Wow the excitement! This hasn't happened in a long time!
I got a new neck today - thanks to Sarah!!!! So I updated the Necks page (check it out - she's hot!!!) and felt inspired to update the Art Gallery / T-shirts section as well, since it was very much out of date. Perhaps there will be one more to add tomorrow.
And perhaps I will update the rest as well.... lol
Another alliteration for ya. Watching Sex & the City... I don't particularly like it, but I got it from someone at work in exchange for My So-called Life. I'll just consider it preparation for my New York trip in less than three motherfucking weeks!!!!!
It's funny, watching US shows on DVD for a few hours & then talking to myself... I sound so deliciously British!
Excuse me.
He's so perfect, so incredibly perfect.
(and now you're all thinking "so which one of the two does she mean this time??" hm ok I know you don't actually care lol)
(that was a lame attempt at sounding American)
Continue reading "Juzz' me agayne"
Well not really anyway. I've been meaning to do one about work for a while but I kinda can't be bothered just yet so it will have to wait. Instead you'll get a short one about just... other stuff. Like the fact that I have cancelled my iPod order and ordered a Creative Zen Micro instead - the main reasons being that
1. the (green!) iPod would've taken too long and been too late for NYC
2. A. at work has one and convinced me that it's superior to the iPod lol
Tay the Apple guru is not happy about my change of heart of course but squiZZ is cuz he prefers Creative (this obligatory boys mention was brought to you courtesy of Wam's obsession).
Ah ja and I also added also 2 DVDs which I'd forgotten to my German Amazon order. Loriot in case you're interested. I've spent a whole lotta money lol. The German Amazon orders have been dispatched so I should receive them soon, which is exciting.
In other news... I got my passport - finally, so NYC is all settled now. It's a very funky passport with pretty pictures on each page (pictures of Lux, not of myself. It does have one picture of myself but that is not pretty. At least I am wearing a green shirt tho hehehehe) . With the passport I've had returned two utility bills which I had to send to the embassy as proof of address - turns out one of them was the water bill which I thought I'd lost and had to request again. Yep yep I'm very smart, me.
Yeah I think that's pretty much it. Well I do think there was more but I have forgotten. I am currently obsessed with J I think. She is really rather fabulous. O. from work fancies her and I have poked (and seen!) her boobies. That's not the only reason I like her tho of course. I would never be so shallow.
PS Ah yes the missing bit was my annoyance at BT & Yahoo & stuff cuz I've basically lost my Launch... on my main Yahoo account... and doesn't seem like I'll be getting it back.
I am not actually obsessed with J.... just with her boobs.
Perhaps I should take a weekend trip to Edinburgh so I can poke them again.
And maybe if I'm a good girl the J that comes with the boobs will make me some yummy chicken on her lean mean grilling machine!!!!!
( I will stop now. But it was an update!!!)
Yeah I know this is gonna annoy everyone no end - I confuse myself with it too lol. But we thought it would be amusing and since I'll probably be too lazy to change it for quite a while you're stuck with it.
I cleaned the flat today and went into town. Also got my Amazon parcels. That's really all that's worth writing about. Well I could write a very long entry about other stuff, but I don't think I'm ready for it, or can be bothered, or something. Maybe some day. We'll see where this goes, if anywhere. Goodnight now.
See I don't even know how to start this fucking entry! Nor do I know what to say in it and in what order, and what is relevant and what is not. Because I can't make sense of it, and that in fact is one of my problems - that my thoughts are so jumpy and incoherent and I can never stick with a thought or idea or point of view long enough for it to make sense, because once I have thought about it for a while it suddenly looks completely different, and the course of action that suggested itself has completely changed as well, and therefore I can never get out of this; because it goes round and round and round in circles and I feel like I'm trying to catch my own tail and obviously I need to break out and find a straight line that I can follow that will take me out of this - this ME!!!!!!!
Continue reading "Cold and naked in the rain"
Well not really since it's a slightly changed layout again, but really in general it's back to my old look. What annoys me most about squiZZ's layout is the non-centredness. It's ok when you have your favourites (or sth else) open on the left, but otherwise it's just too... too left!!!
What I have learnt from my squiZZlayoutexperience tho is that having a small font doesn't look all that bad with big smileys, so that's one of the things I've changed on this one. I've also made it narrower again. Yeah and as you can see it features New York. I know I know, it's so cruel of me to rub it in, but we're going to Enn Why Fucking Ceeeeee, suckaaahs!!!!!!!
Continue reading "Back to the old...."
My mp3 collection is th3 r0x0r!!!!
Here's sth to distract Mon from her biology for 1:34min. Yes it's a video!!!!! Not terribly interesting, but saves me writing an entry. (Real Media, 960KB, click pic)
Mysterious Piano Man - what a fantastic Pet® to have! I want one!
[edit] Check out the pic! Oooh how adorable! [/edit]
He's all done. 1159 songs, 4.25GB, 79hrs playing time. And because I have found a cool plugin for Windows Media Player that allows you to export your playlist to a file, I shall share it with you.
Aren't you lucky! Marvel at the most perfect music collection ever! (I don't have a HTML editor so can't remove the uninteresting columns, sorry) Only for the very bored of course.
Michael Jackson is innocent! Jaja.
I've been awake almost 4hrs. Damn insomnia.
Vivaldi's Four Seasons are (is?) pretty cool.
PS to Moby or not to Moby, that is the question....
PPS Tay is extremely hot.
(I have to stop editing this entry every 5mins. It's not even that MJ related anymore)
So I'm awake again!! Grrrrrr. Originally I was gonna stay up tonight (the one coming) to help adjust to NYC timezone (and to be tired enough to sleep on boring flight) but I doubt I'm gonna manage that now. Won't get much sleep anyway since I have to catch the 6am coach and have done no packing whatsoever nor any other getting-ready stuff other than buying yet another suitcase that I don't know what to do with once we get back.
Anyway. I did go to see Moby in the end. It was much fun and I'd say it was worth it, tho it does seem a bit disproportionate to travel over 3hrs to go to a 2hr concert. But ja, it was great, he's so cute - I'd forgotten that he always goes "thank you thank you thank you" after applause heeheehee. He was less energetic than last time in Luxembourg - I have to say the crowd was a bit lame here, which was a shame. He's playing Lux tomorrow btw. Funny that - he's travelling to my home and I'm travelling to his.
Ja so New York. That's tomorrow jaja. Must book coach. National Express site was down last night. Um yeah I don't really have anything to say except I am tired and would've loved to get more sleep. But I think I have already said sth to that effect. Yeah. So New York. Mhmm. Tomorrrow. I don't even know what terminal the plane leaves from, but daniel will find out and text me (he gets there much earlier since he lands in Stansted tonight...). We're gonna meet at Tie Rack.
Or perhaps somewhere else.
Righty-ho. Don't think I'm gonna update tonight, so have a great time during my absence. Think of my Mon on Monday morning for she will be writing a non-scary biology exam. I will probably update from New York of course. From easy internet café on 42nd street.
PS National Express still not working. Double-grrrrr.
I'm so shallow. Ok, I'm not. I'm an aesthete. (that's right Katja - an aesthete, not a perve!!!) I like pretty things. And tonight I got two pretty things. Which - despite my earlier announcement that another update would be unlikely - I shall share with you. Because I'm nice like that.
1. BOOBIES!!!! Not just any old boobies of course, but the true, the one and only J boobies - which, as you may recall, I am currently obsessed with (yes they are pokable - oooh the pokability!!). Ja so check them out.
Just for me! I would like to draw your attention to the greenness in bra and eyeshadow!!! I love J
- she's fabulous! And no - not just cuz she has great assets!!!
2. TAYSHIRT - yes what a sadly predictable wordplay I admit. Yet inevitable. And tompic obsession + blank Tshirt = Tayshirt. Simple as that. Unfortunately I used a transfer that I'd lost the instructions for so I kinda messed it up but I'll try to pass it off as vintage.
Ja so me likes, and that's coming to NYC with me. Daniel will be delighted. Daniel who should have landed about 45mins ago and is now probably trying to find a coach that will take him to Heathrow. Where I will meet him in about 8hrs. Which is why I shouldn't really be here, but should instead be doing the dishes and other "things". So there. You've seen pretty. I'm off.
Um yeah. That's hardly news of course but OMG!!!!! Ok I feel a bit silly now. But OMG!!!! I really really really love this place sooooo much!!!!!! I was a bit worried that it wouldn't be able to live up to my expectations cuz my 9/11 experience was something so extraordinary, and that "everyday life" New Yorkers would disappoint me... but they didn't. I love them. I am SOOOOO FRIGGIN' HAPPY!!!! I wanna stay I wanna make it mine I wanna embrace it I wanna be part of it I wanna be it!!!
Continue reading "OMFG I love NYC!!!!!!"
I don't love New York so much anymore.
Ok I do but still. Does it have to rain? Especially when we go to Central Park! Ja so that's where we've been today... it's ok, but not that great! I mean, it's a park! You get parks everywhere.
Before that we went to Harlem - mainly to see two exhibitions, one about Malcolm X and one painting/scultpures. Of course I was stupid enough to decide to do that first! See cuz originally we were gonna go to Central Park first, then on the way I suddenly thought hmmm, Central Park may be better in the afternoon... so um ja, we changed plans and stayed on the subway and did the indoor exhibitions when it was dry and Central Park when it was wet. Smart uh? *lol*
Anyway. Now we're here. What we will do after that we do not yet know. Everything indoory will close soon. We could just go home and watch trashy TV. Or hope that it will stop raining.
Last night I went to Grand Central btw. After I updated you know. That too is very nice. Um yeah. I should check the weather forecast. Ok, daniel is gonna do that. I should then maybe check random sites. Byebye.
PS aaargh @ weather forecast!!!
So it was Vega's doing!! (read comments on previous entry if you wanna understand) We had nice weather today and did all sorts of "needing nice weather" stuff, which roughly translates as "let's go to places where we have a cool view of Manhattan." Jaja.
We started out at Ground Zero (well we started out at our hotel of course, but you know what I mean). I know you don't have a nice view of Manhattan there lol. Shut up! I was actually very moved - more than I'd expected. It brought back so many memories. 9/11 was a weird time - I don't think I'd ever felt that close to America (and you know I don't usually feel close to America at all - well, I do again now lol)... anyway. I even cried a little. I love New York.
Ja, then we walked through the World Financial Center, partly as a WTC substitute, partly cuz AmEx HQ are there. Was nice. d wanted to go to Liberty (as befits any good NY tourist) so we walked down to Battery Park.... had one look at the queue and went "no way!" (I'd been pretty reluctant beforehand cuz even if the ferry queues are ok, the queues to get on Liberty are always a nightmare). Anyway, I suggested going to Staten Island instead to get the obligatory "skyline of Manhattan" view. Did you know the ferry to Staten Island is actually free? Well you do now. Unfortunately it turned out anything sightseeing-related on Staten Island is closed Mondays, so we just went straight back to Manhattan.
Then we walked up towards Brooklyn Bridge - past some nasty-smelling fish... thingos. (you know what I mean. I hope) It took us about half an hour to find out how to get on that goddamned bridge!!! *lol* But it was worth it in the end. Nice view. I climbed on a lamppost to get a better view - which was quite scary. It rocks in the wind!!!! *lol*
Ok. Vega's spell was still working (i.e. we still had nice weather) so we headed back up to the Empire State Building. After roughly an hour of queuing (sigh) we took in some more pretty views in all directions (and, of course, lots of pictures)... then came back down. There was a bit more to it of course but my time is limited. Well actually I'm already gonna be late for 7th Heaven so I guess I'll skip that... but I need the bathroom, so my time is limited.
Ja. We walked around a bit, through Macy's (yawn), then looked for somewhere to eat... ended up at Villa Pizza (was ok)... and since that's on 42nd I of course couldn't resist the call of easyinternet. Which is where I am now (surprise!!). d's gone across the road to watch Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy (he will regret it muahaha) and I shall now head back to the hotel I think. Then again I might not, seeing as I've missed 7th Heaven already. Why the fuck won't Yahoo mail load!?
BTW I was wearing my newly acquired mini-MJ-Tshirt (MJ's mini i.e. young, not the Tshirt) and got lots of positive feedback. OK. End of report. Byebye.
Hm ok I think it is now actually cuz it was just about to start when I came in here. But anyway it didn't rain all day, tho it looked quite threatening a few times.
Continue reading "Still not raining!"
Likely to be my last update from here. Am too lazy and too tired to make it entertaining so here's just a list of things done in the past two days....
- MoMA til head full and feet tired
- short onlineness
- St John the Divine - big and dark!
- Brighton Beach - rain & kinda boring
- bed/TV/long Jimmy phonecall
- the Village/SoHo etc - nice but raining
- essential & boring shopping
- bed with tired feet - watched comedy shows
- Circle Line 'Harbor Lights' cruise - was pretty!
- onlineness
still to come:
- TV/waiting/trying not to fall asleep
- Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy Jimmy!!!!
- Teany & East Village (tomorrow)
- leaving and much sadness.
The end
Continue reading "New York, New York..."
That's the main thing I have to say right now. Tired and stroppy to innocent people. Who are very marvellous. *sigh*
Aaanyway. I am back as I'm sure you've guessed. Outside is blue sky which is good. Inside is un-unpacked suitcase which is bad. On PC are around 300 pics of NYC, a selection of which I will share with you soonish. If I can be bothered.
Yeah cuz as I've said I'm very tired. I didn't sleep on the flight, I didn't sleep on the coach... I've slept 2hrs since I got home and that is not enough but I have to stay up until bedtime now to get back to Brightontime.
d is in London, Jimmy is in Washington, and New York City is in New York State. And that's that.
You scored as Boobs. You are attracted to: boobs. You're a boob guy/gurl!
What Body Part Are You Attracted To?(pics) created with |
Ok. Here's a selection of 50ish out of 300ish pics.
Incl. completely useless commentary.
You think you can handle this? Off we go then!
NB: if you're expecting pics of Clarissa or daniel you will be disappointed!
which was thrown here... and it's about books and I like books and I have nothing to do. Well I do but some I don't wanna do (unpacking & tidying Darryl) and some I am unable to do (creating ATCs)
Continue reading "*catching a stick*"
So France says no to the EU constitution. Actually I am surprised the decision was not more unanimously anti-EU.
Continue reading "Who the fuck cares?!"
Mhm. I have booked/arranged holidays today. My summer plans are as follows:
- nothing much in June, but I will buy new PC so that should keep my spirits up
- 9th July: REM concert in Hyde Park It's a Saturday so no "hurrying back late" stress :)
- 16-19 July: mum comes to visit. I've agreed to spend the weekend in London since she's been to Brighton a few times already. That means boring touristy stuff but she pays so it's ok. I'll drag her to Westminster Abbey which I still haven't seen cuz it's so fucking expensive.
- 27-29 August: Paris, oh beloved Paris. With my mum too of course. My mum is happy cuz I am going with her rather than someone else (the way I did with NYC lol - but I'm taking her next year...). I am happy cuz we love the same things. Oh, and she pays.
- 17-25 Sept: Wam visits Mon & her dogs.. first Løken, then Trysil, then Løken. NINE FUCKING DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hm ja. That's my summer. Something every month. Thank God. In October possibly hopefully I will go to Mainz to visit Katja & Tobias. Interestingly there are no Lux visits planned at all... originally I was gonna go in June, but I doubt that's gonna happen now. Oh well.