Here's sth to distract Mon from her biology for 1:34min. Yes it's a video!!!!! Not terribly interesting, but saves me writing an entry. (Real Media, 960KB, click pic)
Hopefully it'll download some time this year
poor thing!
Nice way to end day. It is late. I should sleep. I am tired. So I doubt I'll learn more biology today. Which is why wam video ( ) is the (nice) end of the day. Because the day's ended. Because I'm too tired to learn more biology. Um, ja. Goodnight.
I like your Zen. Very much so.
Aw. I miss Clarissa.
Posted by: snow white on Mon May 16, 2005 at 5:08cool vid
Posted by: jr on Mon May 16, 2005 at 8:49cute Mon
and cute Ally
um thanks @ jr.
well i'm gonna watch it to distract me so I don't have to do my English Lit revision
I will try to email you before NYC
Clarissa always reminds me of Jonathan Ross' wife.
Posted by: mnb on Thu May 19, 2005 at 16:50