which was thrown here... and it's about books and I like books and I have nothing to do. Well I do but some I don't wanna do (unpacking & tidying Darryl) and some I am unable to do (creating ATCs)
1. You’re stuck inside Fahrenheit 451, which book do you want to be?
Like Michelle, I didn't understand the question at first cuz I hadn't read the book. I intended to do some research but then, freakily enough, Martine asked me for my opinion about the book, to pretend I hadn't read it (which I hadn't) & say what the cover inspired in me... in return I asked her to explain the question to me, so I learnt this:
the book (which was written in the McCarthy era) is about a totalitarian state where books are forbidden because they may inspire subversive ideas, so they are burnt. bladibla. and this illegal organisation attempts to keep books alive by learning the texts by heart until they can write them down & print them again.
SO I guess the question is "which book do you deem important/influential enough to be kept alive" (rather than "which is shortest & easiest to learn", which seems to be what most pre-Michelle people chose lol).
Aaaand that is a most fascinating question. I shall think about it and come back to the question later.
2. Have you ever had a crush on a fictional character?
God yes. Loads! Mephisto being the most important of course.
Also Hannibal, and Lara Croft, and Kelly Taylor from 90210, and Dracula!!! And various Anne Rice vampires, mainly Akasha. And so on and so forth...
3. The last book you bought
MoMA Highlights. Which doesn't really count cuz it's non-fiction.
The last fiction books I bought were 3 for 2 at Waterstones:
Joseph Heller - Catch 22
Philippa Gregory - The Virgin Lover
Primo Levi - If This Is A Man ; The Truce (ok that's not actually fiction...)
4. The last book you read
Eric Emmanuel Schmitt - L'Evangile selon Pilate
5. What are you currently reading?
Victor Klemperer - Diaries 1933-1945
6. Five books you would take to a deserted island
Now here's another one of those questions. How long am I gonna be stuck on this island? Do I just want good entertainment for a few weeks until I get rescued? Or do I want super-essential books because I will never again read anything other than those five books?
If the former it will just be any five random books if they include Proust's A La Recherche du Temps Perdu.
If the latter I really don't know. *goes thru the books she deemed important enough to bring to Brighton*
Christian Morgenstern - Galgenlieder
something or other by Max Goldt
Lawrence Sterne - Tristram Shandy
Lewis Carroll - Complete Works
Marcel Proust
Ok so back to the first question... as I said, it's sorta like the "which book has influenced you the most" which I can't answer either. Ok so maybe "which book would you like to influence other people"...
Hm ok I think I'll choose The Life of Pi by Yann Martel. It's great! I have no illusions whatsoever that it will convince any theist that his belief is a sham... but it's a very thought-provoking look on things anyway.
So now you understand the title of Michael Moore's film ("Fahrenheit 911")... BTW Fahrenheit 451 is the temperature to burn paper/books.
Posted by: Tobias on Sun May 29, 2005 at 22:19yes Martine explained to me about Fahrenheit 451.
So what burns at 911°F?
Can you tell me more about Proust? Does he write about existentialism or I am not right?
Posted by: jimmy on Mon May 30, 2005 at 3:40What burns at 911°F?, you say. Well, the WTC, I guess. (I hope you were joking tho )
I wasn't really joking. I wonder what both Fahrenheits have to do with each other.
Jimmy you're confusing Proust and Sartre.
"what both Fahrenheits have to do with each other":
As you said in your entry: "the book (which was written in the McCarthy era) is about a totalitarian state"
Michael Moore's film is also (in his view).
Aaaaah. I thought you meant 911 degrees also had a relevance. *g*
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon May 30, 2005 at 13:12Well no, Moore just needed a number to make the parallel obvious, so 9/11 came in handy. There is the parallel of the fire and melting, of course (the towers were in flames and so hot that tehy melted away)
Posted by: Val on Mon May 30, 2005 at 13:30So is Fahrenheit 451 well known in the States? I'd never heard of it before.
It's one of THE sci-fi-classics (nearly as famous as "1984"). There is also a famous film version by François Truffaut.
Posted by: Tobias on Mon May 30, 2005 at 14:18I need to start reading books again.
I need the time to start reading more books again.
Posted by: Mel on Wed June 1, 2005 at 12:30So what's this stick got to do with anything? *lost in the middle of all this clever book talk*
Posted by: The BML on Wed June 1, 2005 at 13:17That's the meme... they're throwing a stick. Dunno why tho
You are an absolute shithead. The listed "smiley codes" look innocent enough and were used by my 11 year old in a class project to design their firs web page. When the class unveiled it, hundreds of people saw the disgusting pornographic photograph that is served out when smiley codes from http://myowndamn.biz/yahoo/ are used on any other web page besides your own. The kids are just destroyed in shame and embarrassment and I cannot tell you how much damage your evil prank has caused. Burn in hell.
Posted by: shortie on Mon June 6, 2005 at 18:10