Well not really anyway. I've been meaning to do one about work for a while but I kinda can't be bothered just yet so it will have to wait. Instead you'll get a short one about just... other stuff. Like the fact that I have cancelled my iPod order and ordered a Creative Zen Micro instead - the main reasons being that
1. the (green!) iPod would've taken too long and been too late for NYC
2. A. at work has one and convinced me that it's superior to the iPod lol
Tay the Apple guru is not happy about my change of heart of course but squiZZ is cuz he prefers Creative (this obligatory boys mention was brought to you courtesy of Wam's obsession).
Ah ja and I also added also 2 DVDs which I'd forgotten to my German Amazon order. Loriot in case you're interested. I've spent a whole lotta money lol. The German Amazon orders have been dispatched so I should receive them soon, which is exciting.
In other news... I got my passport - finally, so NYC is all settled now. It's a very funky passport with pretty pictures on each page (pictures of Lux, not of myself. It does have one picture of myself but that is not pretty. At least I am wearing a green shirt tho hehehehe) . With the passport I've had returned two utility bills which I had to send to the embassy as proof of address - turns out one of them was the water bill which I thought I'd lost and had to request again. Yep yep I'm very smart, me.
Yeah I think that's pretty much it. Well I do think there was more but I have forgotten. I am currently obsessed with J I think. She is really rather fabulous. O. from work fancies her and I have poked (and seen!) her boobies. That's not the only reason I like her tho of course. I would never be so shallow.
PS Ah yes the missing bit was my annoyance at BT & Yahoo & stuff cuz I've basically lost my Launch... on my main Yahoo account... and doesn't seem like I'll be getting it back.
I am intrigued (sp? lol)...is your anti-hotlink image still the same? I shan't try it on this PC as it's not mine looooooool
yep yep, still the same
drunk drunk/ green is pretty. yay. woo. mrah/ yeah. *falls unconsuios*
great stuff!!!!
ooohh!!! someone is obsessed with ME!!!! *skips*
and meh @ creative zens... lol!
Posted by: Jster Navarro Norton on Thu May 5, 2005 at 21:14
Posted by: snow white on Fri May 6, 2005 at 0:06Creative Zen rules! Ive got a Creative Zen Touch and I luuuuuuv it :)
Posted by: Vega on Fri May 6, 2005 at 0:44I wanna go to NYCeeeeeeeeee!!
Someday.. when I have lots more moneh!
Posted by: Mel on Fri May 6, 2005 at 10:31