So I'm awake again!! Grrrrrr. Originally I was gonna stay up tonight (the one coming) to help adjust to NYC timezone (and to be tired enough to sleep on boring flight) but I doubt I'm gonna manage that now. Won't get much sleep anyway since I have to catch the 6am coach and have done no packing whatsoever nor any other getting-ready stuff other than buying yet another suitcase that I don't know what to do with once we get back.
Anyway. I did go to see Moby in the end. It was much fun and I'd say it was worth it, tho it does seem a bit disproportionate to travel over 3hrs to go to a 2hr concert. But ja, it was great, he's so cute - I'd forgotten that he always goes "thank you thank you thank you" after applause heeheehee. He was less energetic than last time in Luxembourg - I have to say the crowd was a bit lame here, which was a shame. He's playing Lux tomorrow btw. Funny that - he's travelling to my home and I'm travelling to his.
Ja so New York. That's tomorrow jaja. Must book coach. National Express site was down last night. Um yeah I don't really have anything to say except I am tired and would've loved to get more sleep. But I think I have already said sth to that effect. Yeah. So New York. Mhmm. Tomorrrow. I don't even know what terminal the plane leaves from, but daniel will find out and text me (he gets there much earlier since he lands in Stansted tonight...). We're gonna meet at Tie Rack.
Or perhaps somewhere else.
Righty-ho. Don't think I'm gonna update tonight, so have a great time during my absence. Think of my Mon on Monday morning for she will be writing a non-scary biology exam. I will probably update from New York of course. From easy internet café on 42nd street.
PS National Express still not working. Double-grrrrr.
I won't laugh this time
Just wanna wish you the best trip
Mel is depressed. Mel wants to come too!
Posted by: Mel on Fri May 20, 2005 at 11:57I'm excited to see you! And we can go to
Moby was very energetic when I saw him. Maybe he was tired from all that traveling and stuff. He is cute, you are right.
I was think of Monica, but will send her even more good thoughts on Monday.
See you soon. Just not sure if I'm going to come up on Thursday night or drive early Friday morning. Probably Thursday.
bye bye.
Posted by: jimmy on Fri May 20, 2005 at 13:01There is an internet cafe at 42nd street?? Funny how I didn't see no easy internet cafe when i was there in february. but there is an alright internet cafe in same avenue as empire state building 32 or 33th street. it's 3 bucks an hour. okay have fun in nyc. hope you'll update from there!!
Posted by: Anne on Fri May 20, 2005 at 14:09 @ Anne, I hope it's still there!! I was relying on spending many nostalgic hours there.
Ok @ Jimmy. You'll have to let us know tho
You're gonna a be WALKING, no time for onlineness.
Posted by: JarJar on Fri May 20, 2005 at 14:40Oh and IS scary.
Nothing is scary! Exam is not scary, NYC is not scary - you can all stop being scared.
We'll have plenty of time for onlineness.
I'm so jeleous. lol!
Have a good time bitch!
Posted by: Jster Navarro Norton on Fri May 20, 2005 at 19:22It's beside McDonalds and The Lion King rawrrr!
Posted by: squiZZle on Sat May 21, 2005 at 4:38