So France says no to the EU constitution. Actually I am surprised the decision was not more unanimously anti-EU.
The EU is doomed. It is going to fail - perhaps it was never meant to be - at least not now, not at this time, not in this century & even less in the previous one. It came about at the wrong time, to the wrong people with the wrong issues and the wrong worries.
I have always been pro-EU (and still am), which sort of goes against my essential selfishness. My credo these days is après nous le déluge i.e., what the fuck do I care what happens once I die. It didn't use to be - I had my idealist phase. Before I grew disillusioned and cynical.
But in a way I still believe in these things. And I guess I am being selfish by doing so. What do we have? What can we offer? Shouldn't we be thinking further than 5 years ahead? Or even 20 years? I will still be on the job market in 20yrs! So will many of those who now vote against. You are being idiots, complete fools! Yes the EU means bureaucracy, yes they talk a lot of shit and yes you can't see the benefits! But that's only cuz you're all too fucking well off!
We're all - still - living in an era of relative prosperity. We're so used to it cuz we used to be the centre of the world for centuries! And tho it has now shifted, the US are still our former colony: tho they dominate us, they are still culturally attached to us and inadvertently defend our interests.
But this is going to change; it's going to change soon and it's going to change radically. And as it stands we'll have missed our chance to have any sort of say in the new world order. And we don't deserve any better! Humans are complete fools. All of them. Well, the vast majority of them. *yawn* So - who the fuck cares!?
not me
Posted by: jerome on Mon May 30, 2005 at 16:59So inspiring rant made me read all news about the matter, so I got 9 (out of 10) at the Communication exam for speaking on current events.
Posted by: Lo on Tue May 31, 2005 at 14:35