Mysterious Piano Man - what a fantastic PetŪ to have! I want one!
[edit] Check out the pic! Oooh how adorable! [/edit]
I would like one of these as well.
Actually, it might be fun to do a mute, disappearing act. I need a skill though to dazzle people with...
Posted by: Mel on Mon May 16, 2005 at 17:26 I said the exact same thing to A. at work earlier!
Not the best quality picture for identification though.
Posted by: Lo on Mon May 16, 2005 at 18:43No there is a better one around (in the BBC article) but this one is cuuuuuter cuz he's so cuuuute.
He was difficult to assess as he appeared terrified of any new face, sometimes rolling himself into a ball and edging into a corner. (from the Guardian)
So fucking cuuuuuute!!!
Hahah! Saw this in the Telegraph today, made me wonder!
He could be a huge celeb I reckon.
All he needs is someone to exploit him for all he's worth!
Posted by: Dave on Mon May 16, 2005 at 21:31Cute indeed!!
Poor guy though.
He can come curl up under my bed!
Hm @ Dave, I reckon if he was a huge celeb someone would've recognized him by now.
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon May 16, 2005 at 23:37he IS very cute! can I come and play with him?
If you don't frighten him.
(then again if you do he will roll up in a ball and be extra cute!
Clarissa I think Dave meant to say that he has the potential to be a celebrity, lol ;)
Hm he seems kinda cool, lol
Perhaps... but he might be a bit too shy for the limelight? Then again it may all be an act to achieve just that... Very smart... but that would make him uncute.
Wow! I've just figured out how to get famous.
(..but will wait and see if it is successful for Piano Man)
Posted by: Mel on Tue May 17, 2005 at 17:21maybe they will have Piano Man idol and it will escalate (sp) into a global market
will being scared & agitated be part of the selection criteria?
Not anymore because some Polish man has identified the mysterious piano player :(
Posted by: Tom on Wed May 18, 2005 at 10:43 Has??
The pianist's social worker Michael Camp, said: "It is a possibility and we will follow it up."
Not yet confirmed Tho that Michael Camp always sounds so dreadfully pessimistic.
And he has a silly name
Maybe he wants to steal the Piano Man.
He cannot!!!! He's miiiine!!!!
But yeah it's a possibility. He doesn't want him to be found cuz he wants to keep him. Who wouldn't?
Maybe Citz should come forward & claim him.. pretend he is your husband or something..
Ooooh... what are you going to call him?
Posted by: Mel on Wed May 18, 2005 at 17:56I would! I have been thinking about this and discussing it with various people. I am bound to encounter problems in the process tho. Like, not being married and stuff.
And I dunno what to call him. I wouldn't wanna traumatize him even more. What if the name I choose for him is the name of his deceased brother? This could trigger a whole new fuckedupness!
Posted by: Clarissa on Wed May 18, 2005 at 18:26 DO IT.
Posted by: Tom on Wed May 18, 2005 at 20:49