Well not really since it's a slightly changed layout again, but really in general it's back to my old look. What annoys me most about squiZZ's layout is the non-centredness. It's ok when you have your favourites (or sth else) open on the left, but otherwise it's just too... too left!!!
What I have learnt from my squiZZlayoutexperience tho is that having a small font doesn't look all that bad with big smileys, so that's one of the things I've changed on this one. I've also made it narrower again. Yeah and as you can see it features New York. I know I know, it's so cruel of me to rub it in, but we're going to Enn Why Fucking Ceeeeee, suckaaahs!!!!!!!
My keyboard really annoys me. It's very unfun to use (even tho I have not spilled any liquids on it). I wasted an hour or so last weekend taking off every single key and cleaning under them (let me tell you it was not a pretty sight!) and it has not made the slightest difference! What a waste of time! And now I'm still stuck with a sucky keyboard! No point replacing it now since I'm planning to buy a whole new PC in June, which may also come with a keyboard. I say plan to cuz I may be too broke... I spent more than twice what I earned last month. This is a bit distorted tho as the NYC-trip was taken out of my account that month (and the money I got from daniel for it was in fact transferred the previous month) and also the BT quarterly bill came out. But still. *lol*
Anyway we shall see. I am loving the Wir sind Helden CD. Oh and I got my Zen today. Wheeeeeeeee!!!! It's currently charging in the other room, but I have already played around with it a little and it's a lot of fun - I love that touch pad thing it has going on. Pfft who needs an iPod scrollwheel!? Now I have to find lots of songs to transfer to it for my NYC trip.. that promises to be quite a dull task, but it'll give me sth to do over the weekend.
I went to the dentist today. *sigh* It was ok, he didn't hurt me too much, but he made me an extensive plan of all that needs doing - it's gonna be long, painful and expensive. (well I can get it done on the NHS but obviously that's the "cheapo option". My Lux health insurance might refund some of it, must find out) Root canal (gulp!!!!), crown replaced, new crown on other tooth, weird gold filling on other tooth, filling on 4th tooth... wasn't there sth else? *shudder* I have my next appointment on the 4th of June.
I also went to see someone as a first step on my way to betterness - it went quite well and I have my next appointment there on the 2nd. God, so much to do. This weekend I have nothing planned however. Weather's gonna be miserable again I hear, so I'll probably stay in... and maybe be creative (just creative, not zen) . Maybe I'll just be lazy. I'm done watching S&TC so I might have to go and beg the other seasons off my dearly beloved ex-flatmate
). Or I could just go back to my books - I have lots of exciting ones I got recently.
Yep yep. It's the Festival out there so if the weather's ok I may venture out and see if there's anything worth seeing. And not spend any money. No no.
@ too left.
Nice layout
a Dee!!!
Thank you!
new laout is hot! Loves it!
she's goin' to EEENNN WWWHHHYYY CCCCEEEE muthafuckas!!!
Posted by: Jster Navarro Norton on Thu May 12, 2005 at 22:35I aaammmm!!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: The BML on Fri May 13, 2005 at 11:58Hey Citz good to see you are making an effort to get better. I know I have asked this before but my memory fails me when are you going to NYC again?
8 days 8 days 8 days 8 days