Mhm. I have booked/arranged holidays today. My summer plans are as follows:
- nothing much in June, but I will buy new PC so that should keep my spirits up
- 9th July: REM concert in Hyde Park It's a Saturday so no "hurrying back late" stress :)
- 16-19 July: mum comes to visit. I've agreed to spend the weekend in London since she's been to Brighton a few times already. That means boring touristy stuff but she pays so it's ok. I'll drag her to Westminster Abbey which I still haven't seen cuz it's so fucking expensive.
- 27-29 August: Paris, oh beloved Paris. With my mum too of course. My mum is happy cuz I am going with her rather than someone else (the way I did with NYC lol - but I'm taking her next year...). I am happy cuz we love the same things. Oh, and she pays.
- 17-25 Sept: Wam visits Mon & her dogs.. first Løken, then Trysil, then Løken. NINE FUCKING DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hm ja. That's my summer. Something every month. Thank God. In October possibly hopefully I will go to Mainz to visit Katja & Tobias. Interestingly there are no Lux visits planned at all... originally I was gonna go in June, but I doubt that's gonna happen now. Oh well.
Hi Wonderful Wam!
I'm listening to my Moby Ambient Cd, it's very pleasant and reminds me of you and Daniel in New York. I'm ready to go back to New York with you two next weekend, guess it's kinda far!
You're have lots of exciting trips planned. I'm very jealous. Paris and of course Norway and Monica. Very jealous.
I like you a lot, I hope you have fun with all your trips this summer. :)
Posted by: jimmy on Wed June 1, 2005 at 4:34Ja... sounds fun. I need to plan more fun things for me summer!
Yay @ yellow text background thing!
Posted by: The BML on Wed June 1, 2005 at 13:18Woo! Is the REM concert apart of the Live Aid concert? Grr. I wish I lived in London!!!
Or Paris!
You'll have an awesome time.
*turns green*
Nothing to do with Live Aid
Nah, snow's just talking balls.
Posted by: The BML on Wed June 1, 2005 at 21:12Ah k
Posted by: Clarissa on Wed June 1, 2005 at 21:15Leave my balls out of this.
Bob Geldof (sp?) is organising another Live Aid thingo and one of the concerts will be in London and some of the names playing are Madonna, Paul McCartney, U2, Bon Jovi, Brian Wilson, Crosby Stills & Nash, Coldplay, Sting, Stevie Wonder and Jay-Z and REM.
I REALLY wish I lived in London. Or Paris. Waah!
Posted by: snow white on Thu June 2, 2005 at 2:40@ snow
It's very yellow in here.
Posted by: Dave on Thu June 2, 2005 at 12:36Oh I love the new layout. I can't think of anything else but this damn trial now. But I am confident that all will be okay.
Posted by: Anne on Thu June 2, 2005 at 14:13