(that was a lame attempt at sounding American)
I have learnt some stuff today. Like this: the Sidewinder, which is the pub around the corner, has a beergarden facing our street. Ok this I knew cuz I'd seen it before but I'd never given it much attention cuz it was closed. Cuz it was winter. But now it's open. Cuz it's getting summer. And it's loud. With people. But you know what? I actually like it (except drunk louts bellowing)! The constant background noise makes me feel, I dunno, all summery and holidayish and 'in medias res' (snigger) and I'm very much enjoying it. My only worry is that with the window open and the light on I will be attracting monsters, aka craneflies. *switches off light* There.
I'm all sexified after 6 or so episodes of Sex & the City. It can actually be quite funny. Tho the "must find a man" obsession really annoys me. But sometimes it's clever. And I shall quote from it.
Why is it that we only seem to believe the negative things people say about us? No matter how much evidence there is to the contrary? A neighbour, a face, an ex-boyfriend can cancel out everything we thought was once true. Odd, but when it comes to life and love, why do we believe our worst reviews?
Oh thank fuck, it's not just me then. *lol*
I'mma be off to bed, like, really soon cuz I start work at 7am tomorrow (duh-mah-row!). Which is ok cuz it's double pay and one day's holiday in lieu. Woop woop! Aaand it's dress down day and I'm gonna be totally wild and go to work in my pyjamas!!! *lol* Well, I'm gonna go to work in something that I also sometimes wear to bed. Which isn't really that wild cuz I just wear normal tops to bed, but anyway it's gonna be wiiiillld! Esp. cuz I'm actually gonna put it on before going to bed tonight and then tomorrow I'mma get outta bed and not change and go to work!!!! That's, like, totally crazy, right??? LMFAO. Sorry. Grant me my little pleasures.
PS My boys are hawt hawt hawt! Even tho it's un-PC to say so apparently.
Have you been drinking?
Posted by: squiZZ on Mon May 2, 2005 at 5:56 DRINKING??? ME!!! NEVER!!! How could you insinuate that??? I don't TOUCH the stuff!!!!
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon May 2, 2005 at 7:05Like, OMG!!! I thought you were American just there!!!
Wwwhhhhheeeeee, SATC! That's one of my favorite shows. I loved it. I miss it.
Your boys are no where near as hot as mine. lol! Although I do seem to find myself getting aroused by a certain squiZZ...
Posted by: Jster Navarro Norton on Mon May 2, 2005 at 17:08You cannot fool me wench! I know you did not actually think I was American!!!
I do not blame you for getting aroused. To my knowledge it's something to do with that whole "perfection" thing he's got going on. One day one day I will exploit it and turn it into money...
. One day one day I will exploit it and turn it into money...
i like that idea... I'd pay for it.
That's what you meant, righ? Kidding!
Posted by: Jster Navarro Norton on Mon May 2, 2005 at 18:19Can we have ONE entry without the boys talk? Or has that gone past all realms of possibility? Honestly, just when I think it's actually gonna be about something else... *sigh*
ANYWAY. That's boring so I'm gonna ask you about S&TC. Did you buy them, or did you just sneak into Eo while I was asleep and steal my lovely Japanese ones? Or... HOW?!
Posted by: The BML on Wed May 4, 2005 at 20:13Oh ok, have just read old entry about MSCL. So is this permanent, or will you be getting MSCL back?
Posted by: The BML on Wed May 4, 2005 at 20:16 but.... my boys!
ja will be getting back when she's done watching. I would never trade
GOD you're annoying.
You deserve to be slapped repeatedly with some sort of machete.
Posted by: The BML on Wed May 4, 2005 at 21:54*the above comment was written before the BML had a change of heart and decided against arguing with the Citz. She retracts her above comment but would like it retained for comedic value*
Posted by: The BML on Wed May 4, 2005 at 21:59