Posted on August 27th, 2008 @ 19:06 in
- I should unpack my Mainz bags.
- I am going to London this week-end.
- I am going to see R.E.M. this week-end!
- I brought fun stuff from Germany:
- Mattress covers in yellow and red
- Müsli
- Peanut “flips”
- Various other food items
- Toothpaste (ok, more useful and less fun)
- I’ve done 4hrs overtime so far this week. (in 2 days!)
- I have 9 days of holidays left to use. (and 2 days of flexi time and about one day of “reward and recognition”)
- I have Monday off (booked back when I thought Thomas was gonna visit) and maybe I’ll just stay in London for an extra day. And stay in bed and watch DVDs all day.
- I need to think of other places to go with all those holidays.
- Paris is one of them of course. (whether with or without mum remains to be seen)
- Portland to visit Kate’s mum is another one.
- I missed CSI:NY last night even tho it was very important!
- But I slept for almost 10hrs which was nice.
- Tomorrow we have some weird training all day, I’ll probably sleep through that as well.
- I need to do more stuff around the flat:
- paint the kitchen door, but especially the frame. It looks disgusting.
- paint behind the fridge (bottom, I only did the top)
- find a way to paint / stick “Protect Me From What I Want” lyrics onto the hallway cupboards
- find mirror for bathroom, connect light on bathroom cabinet (more like, find someone to do it), fix bathtub panelling
- find fabric for lounge curtains and get them sewn (oh and find curtain rod too! and attach it)
- Should maybe also find a solution for the “sofa situation”.
- Oh and last but not least? The new girl at work I mentioned in the last entry who left after a week and then came back… she’s leaving again! =)) Don’t ask. Recruitment in our team has been a farce for months.
Posted on August 23rd, 2008 @ 20:21 in
A bit silly really since I’m with them and there won’t be anything I can say that they don’t already know. But here goes.. More »
Posted on August 20th, 2008 @ 00:36 in
Posted on August 6th, 2008 @ 18:57 in
Um yeah this has been here as a draft for a few days now. I’m not very good at this. I re-read very very old emails the other day, like from 2000 or something. Before I had a blog I had emails. I wrote loads of emails, hundreds a month and many were very very long. When I’m 80 – if I ever get that old – I can spend my days reading my emails from the early 2000s (noughties?). More »
Posted on August 3rd, 2008 @ 15:19 in
Hmmm… click here if you want to give it a try. :))
For a screenshot of the sites/domains used – More »
Posted on August 1st, 2008 @ 12:55 in
So Mon was meant to update again for me but she didn’t get very far and now she’s absorbed in photography tutorials and other things DSLR-related. More »
Posted on July 26th, 2008 @ 21:30 in
Massive Flickr photo set here. To get a proper chronological account, please view in order and read the descriptions (there are 80 items lol).
Posted on July 25th, 2008 @ 23:55 in
So, George Bush is addressing reporters in Beijing before the opening ceremonies of the Olympics. He looks out over the audience, glances at his prepared notes, and begins: “Ooo, Ooo, Ooo, Ooo, Ooo.” An uncomfortable silence follows until an aide leans over and whispers in his ear: “Um, Mr. President, that’s the Olympics logo. Your speech is underneath.”
=)) =)) =)) So Jimmy doesn’t find it that funny but I can’t stop laughing.
Posted on July 20th, 2008 @ 22:32 in
Hello, this is Mon updating for Wam. We are in Norway. Today is Sunday, and Wam has been here since Friday night. Jimmy is also here with us. Wam and Jimmy are watching CSI: NY and I’m not. I, I am updating the blog. More »
Posted on July 18th, 2008 @ 07:38 in
Well not just yet, but all packed and stuff so the next update will be from Norway. 😀 Where there’s a Mon, a Jimmy and a little dog. 😀
Not much else to say – so I shan’t say much else! Cheerio!