Well now
Posted on August 3rd, 2008 @ 15:19 in Uncategorized

Hmmm… click here if you want to give it a try. :))
For a screenshot of the sites/domains used –

Tbh I barely ever visit Gizmodo or BoingBoing these days, and UK Amazon is more male than US Amazon?! (same with Google.) Most male being Pirate Bay makes sense, tho I’m surprised at the Icanhascheezburger ratio.
What have you been downloading from The Pirate Bay eh? 😉
Likelihood of you being FEMALE is 67%
Likelihood of you being MALE is 33%
Purely legal things. ;;)
And well done on being female! :))
How does the ratio thing work? All I see is a load of numbers that make no sense. Is that like that number of male to 1 female?! I’m a bit thick innit 😐
I’m a bit thick myself so I don’t really know, I just know from reading the related Metafilter thread that higher number = higher male ratio. :wh