Stephen Fry is now following me on Twitter!!!! More »
*tap tap* Is this thing on?
Stephen Fry is now following me on Twitter!!!! More »
What does it meeeaaaan????
For those of you unfamiliar with the flash video: how is babby formed. Most of it you can understand despite the spelling mistakes. But I have no idea what “they need to do way instain mother” is supposed to mean.
Googling it is near impossible as you just get hundreds of quotes. The only attempt at an explanation I found here:
what the hell does instain mean?
stay in
I think.
I’m not sure though
But that doesn’t make much sense either. They need to do way stay in mother?
So um, any suggestions? I know, I have too much time on my hands. And yes, some sort of proper entry some time soon.
The Ukulele Orchestra of Great Britain:
Ennio Morricone is pretty darn awesome too (I actually had to look up whether he’s still alive… 80 years in November). My parents had (well, still have I suppose) a vinyl best of which I regularly took out as a kid. Chi Mai – Le Professionnel was my favourite (and one of the first mp3s I ever downloaded!). I still absolutely love this track. The above Good, Bad & Ugly is probably the most iconic of his works. Can’t say I’ve ever knowingly seen the film tho (well, probably half-asleep as a kid on my dad’s lap at some point).
[posted kinda late, originally written on the bus home] On my way home from a MOST AMAZING week-end. Paris still surprises me, or the love I feel for it does. You’d think I’d tire of it eventually, for all the times I’ve been (often spending much time in the same places). AND IT NEVER DOES!!!! 😮 More »
You’ve got to admit it is pretty surreal. Devastating. In a fascinating sort of way.
Lots of fairly high res photos of the damage done by Ike in Texas.
More (smaller) here, tho some of the same ones repeated.
Imagine losing everything like that. You can’t help wondering why people build – again and again – in high risk areas like that. And you figure that there are probably loads of reasons – mostly that they can’t afford otherwise I guess.
And you feel hella grateful for not living somewhere like that. Seriously! 😐
Which reminds me, I need to buy an external hard drive to back up my files. *lol*1
1. this *lol* reads as a sort of sarcastic commentary. You know, the way a person may exclaim “ha!” in conversation.
Sorta by request, showing presents and stuff. Also I’ve cut and dyed my hair again and taken photographs. More »
So I started a long yada yada election entry (which I may finish eventually so don’t act all relieved yet) but then I came across Moby again and hey, he’s turning “ok I’ll stop talking about politics now” into a competition.
Actually Moby is kind of annoying. I used to really enjoy his blog then stopped reading cuz he only ever talked about politics (while constantly apologizing for it) even when there were no elections. And now he just seems to be rambling ever more pointlessly and rabidly. (seriously!? the readers of his blog are gonna vote for Obama anyway!)
And his linebreaks are irritating as hell.
I am way too obsessed with the US presidential election right now. Way. I’ve even considered going there in November to experience the rush first hand should Obama win. Which he very well may not. Earlier today I wagered “if the traffic lights are green Obama will win” and they were red. So there. More »
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