... but not for long.
Continue reading "Still here...."
Last night I had a divine apparition.
Continue reading "I believe!!!!!"
... for lack of Stockholm update. It would be so much work and I have too much to do. Hopefully tomorrow. I had a great time tho, just so you know.
I know it took me ages. I just had so much to do every night, what with me being away so much and the squiZZ coming this weekend () ... so I'm writing this from work. Beware, it's gonna be long and there's loads of pics.
for Lo - now edited with squipic!!!
Continue reading "squi entry"
for d - now also with pic!!!!
Continue reading "another squi entry"
And again, purely by chance, I remembered that it's the time of year where I'm supposed to do this meme thingo. I feel better at the moment than I have in a while so hopefully that will reflect in the answers.
Previously: one, two, three, four, five.
Oh and btw (geek alert)... when I turned on the laptop this morning (squiZZ is still in bed), it went online straight away. I thought "oh, squiZZ forgot to turn off the router last night" but nope, I am on someone else's WLAN again.
Motorists urged not to panic-buy:
Hertfordshire Police said panic-buying would be very unhelpful.
"We have no indication at this stage that this explosion will cause fuel shortages," said a spokeswoman for the force.
"We strongly advise against this as recent events have shown that panic-buying alone can cause fuel shortages."
might as well kill myself
Warning: long rambling entry ahead.
Do you think you can handle it?
Awright then...
stolen from squiZZ who stole from Zoop.
Continue reading "Playlisssssssssst"
This is a combination of this one (done twice previously, stolen from squiZZ) and this one which I found on Skyler's LJ.
Continue reading "End of year survey 2005"
This is the paraphrase of a quote from the German government about Susanne Osthoff, that person kidnapped in Iraq and released just... 2 days ago or sth.
Continue reading ""We're glad she's ok""
I am Clarissa's new mobile and I thought I'd introduce myself, as I intend to play a major part in her life from this moment onwards.
Do read on.
Continue reading "Hello my name is William"
Christmas is sooo not for me. And this has definitely been the worst one ever. I think this weekend may even qualify as the worst I've ever felt in general. And I've scared people and annoyed people and been horrible to people but they didn't abandon or hate me, so thanks, I love you.
This makes me a whinger of course. Some people don't like whingers, and yes it often annoys me too when people go on and on in their diaries about how depressed they are.
I should probably write it down tho, to remind myself never ever to go there again, and to also help make some decisions. But I guess I can do that somewhere else, and some other time. For tomorrow I am working, and I start at 7, and I am very tired, so now I will quite simply go to bed. Goodnight.
It's not all bad...
(pics taken with my William. pretty cool uh?)
Today I finished tidying my flat.
I found my favourite moisturizer behind the toilet, and my long lost back scratcher behind my bed. Those were very pleasant surprises.
Oh and I changed the layout on here, with the help of mr daniel. My apologies to the decapitated one. But it does look rather cool no?
and all that crap.
I'm off to Germany tomorrow morning to spend NYE with Katja and Tobias. Am looking forward to it. Will be back on the 2nd, in the middle of the night. Not so much looking forward to that.
Nothing else to say really. I tried to come up with a new header cuz the headless squiZZ creeps me out now but I did poorly, so this will stay until I return.
I'm going to bed now. Have to get the bus at 5am.