How odd. I was bored (I still am, cuz stuck at home on this sunny day waiting for my PC to be delivered.. but anyway that's not what I wanna talk about) so I went thru old entries of mine... you know, "let's see what I was up to this time last year". Turns out I did that "I am" meme a year ago and am meant to do it every 6 months... so yeah, that'll give me sth to do eh.
I also did a search for blog posts that are in "draft" status (i.e. that were started and never finished, or taken back offline, and so on) and found about a dozen posts, most of which I'd totally forgotten about, most written when depressed (or drunk, or both). Quite a few back in December. Um yeah anyway. So now that I am thing (even tho it's kinda pointless to do cuz what I write depends so much on my mood at the time and my mood changes so often and so radically)...
I am not: outside.
I hurt: inside.
I love: those who care about me.
I hate: pretty much everyone else.
I fear: MJ may go to jail.
I hope: he won't.
I regret: giving my Lara to sleazy guy.
I cry: when watching sad films.
I care: less and less.
I always: carry my keys.
I feel alone: never. Well, "lonely" anyway.
I listen: to my Creative Zen a lot.
I hide: in bed when I feel crap.
I drive: no longer.
I sing: out of tune.
I write: long emails to Katja.
I breathe: air.
I miss: my New York, my Mon, my horse.
I search: with Google (still lol).
I learn: much interesting trivia from Katja!
I feel: ugly.
I know: Michael Jackson is innocent.
I say: so to everyone who wants to hear it.
I crave: strawberry milkshake!
I succeed: er...
I fail: yeah.
I dream: rather vividly these days.
I wonder: where I will be this time next year.
I want: tooooo much apparently.
I worry: about my monitor.
I wish: that bloody PC delivery guy came soon!
I have: 2 PCs and soon I will have three lol.
I give: boring presents.
I fight: the demons within? *lol* Nah.
I wait: for PC delivery guy?
I need: a new keyboard but I'll get one with new PC... as soon as delivery guy turns up.
Um ok this wasn't done very seriously but it gets kinda boring. I think I may stop doing it every 6 months.. or in fact altogether.
Ok, I can see 2 Leitmotives in there
LOL@your answer for "I succeed" - it's not true tho, you've succeeded in many things...
Posted by: Val on Sat June 11, 2005 at 17:41My mum bookmarked your page, I saw...
oh, and: Fred is freak!
lol scary bookmark.
I do not succeed now (which is what this meme is about).
And I still have no PC.
Posted by: JarJar on Sat June 11, 2005 at 19:23
Wooo.. I must do one of these.. I be bored. Will post it on me livejournal.
And I've also "relauched" my website.. complete with obligatory "Innocent" layout!
Posted by: Mel on Sun June 12, 2005 at 2:13Wooo, Kookyjar is back!!!
So now you have 2 places you barely update?
You're so horrible to meeee...
>>I fear: MJ may go to jail.
Me too.
Posted by: The BML on Sun June 12, 2005 at 22:32