Today I finished tidying my flat.
I found my favourite moisturizer behind the toilet, and my long lost back scratcher behind my bed. Those were very pleasant surprises.
Oh and I changed the layout on here, with the help of mr daniel. My apologies to the decapitated one. But it does look rather cool no?
IIIIIIIIIIIIII was gonna use this picture
with a head attached.
The decapitated one? I don't get it...
lol i just noticed the Lo
Posted by: RajRaj on Thu December 29, 2005 at 10:28 Sorry
I was originally gonna use it with a head as well, but I liked what d did with it. Fits so well with the "ghost city" behind it.
Can change it tho if you want it for yours. But you were gonna do Vincent!!!
Val - the person on the picture has no head?! Hence he's decapitated (in real life he does have one! thank God...)
Hehe @ Mon. Yeah that's my tribute to her since originally d wanted an all-Lo layout of course
I was gonna do this before Vincent.
Posted by: squiZZle on Thu December 29, 2005 at 13:06 Ok I'll change it to sth else tonight. Altho it will be such a waste cuz you won't ever change your layout cuz you're too lazy, so in the end no one will have used it.
(and before Vincent?? so when would you do Vincent? In 8 months???
Imma make a site with just layouts. Or well, like an empty diary with a layout. And use pics of people and then argue and stuff. Or maybe I'll just use dogs and not argue. Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmm. 2006 will be SO much FUN!!!!!!!!
Btw, Vincent disappeared into the forest. And then the others came and took Walt and now I think Walt is dead... although maybe not... but anyway, I don't know what happened to Vincent after he disappeared into the forest. Shannon was supposed to look after him, but she's dead now of course. *sigh*
Posted by: RajRaj on Thu December 29, 2005 at 15:10 !!!(r)enasni enog sah raJraJ
But you could do a site with just layouts and then I can steal them from you so I don't have to think of my own and then get shouted at.
Ahh, I had to refresh to get the new pic LOL
...Hmmm. I'm sure it means something. To somebody.
Yay @ finding stuff again.
Of course it means something! There are countless layers of meaning to that header. Which is why it pains me so to let it go. *resentful glance towards the decapitated one*
Robbie lyrics!
Alriiiight, I got it now - thanks to Woods. He (or she?) said they had to refresh, so I did the same. With my old link, I get the old pic too... I was about to think I was going mad
She. And lol @ refreshing. Yeah I guess I should rename my headers. But is easier this way...
Posted by: Clarissa on Thu December 29, 2005 at 19:06Is easier if people fix their IE settings to refresh every time.
Posted by: squiZZle on Thu December 29, 2005 at 19:44That is true, oh wise and generous one who lets me keep the picture and shall therefore be forever revered.
But some people on slower connections might prefer not to do that. Tho these two individuals I believe do not fall into that category.
Eh? I use Opera, and it is set up to refresh pages each time. ...But now and then there are gremlins in it LOL. So when in doubt (or confused by others' comments on ClarissaBlog) I refresh!
Hello from an Italian blogger!!!(Milan)
Posted by: Simone on Fri December 30, 2005 at 18:52Ciao Simone
Ciao Clarissa
Why can't I comment on any of your older entries?
Posted by: The BML on Thu January 5, 2006 at 11:45Because all entries older than 7 days have been closed. Cuz of spam. You slore.
Posted by: Clarissa on Thu January 5, 2006 at 12:06Ah. Ew. You suck.
Posted by: The BML on Thu January 5, 2006 at 18:08