And again, purely by chance, I remembered that it's the time of year where I'm supposed to do this meme thingo. I feel better at the moment than I have in a while so hopefully that will reflect in the answers.
Previously: one, two, three, four, five.
Oh and btw (geek alert)... when I turned on the laptop this morning (squiZZ is still in bed), it went online straight away. I thought "oh, squiZZ forgot to turn off the router last night" but nope, I am on someone else's WLAN again.
I am not: cold or lonely.
I hurt: when I feel abandoned.
I love: my friends. Gadgets. Music. The sun.
I hate: my job. The cold. Feeling left or singled out.
I fear: this good streak may not last.
I hope: I'm on the right track and I will be strong enough to stay on it.
I regret: various things in my fairly recent past.
I cry: when I am overwhelmed by feelings, both good or bad.
I care: about those I love and I wish I could make them all magically be ok.
I always: expect the worst.
I feel alone: rarely. It's cuz I'm a control freak, says Sue (but not in those words).
I listen: to what people suggest, but don't always act on it.
I hide: my true issues? Perhaps.
I drive: ...?! Meh.
I sing: along to songs, but badly (some of these answers will always be the same )
I write: in here a lot less frequently than I used to.
I breathe: air.
I miss: my horsey, NYC, people.
I search: for the right career choices.
I learn: lots of stuff from Katja. (still! )
I feel: pretty ok on average these days I'd say.
I know: the past will catch you up as you run faster. (or so it appears...)
I say: what I mean, and I mean what I say.
I crave: nothing right now. Tho I am kinda hungry *considers waking squiZZ*
I succeed: when I want to. (But I rarely want to enough.)
I fail: every one of those times I don't really want to succeed.
I dream: of the past a lot these days... and of odd things. And of Lauryn.
I wonder: where and how I'll live 10 years from now. And which of my current friends will still be around then.
I want: so incredibly many things.
I worry: about those I love, incl. those that don't want me to.
I wish: I could be a better friend. And that I wasn't so paranoid. But I also wish people gave me less reason to be.
I have: a squiZZ in the other room. I think he's moving.
I give: crappy presents. I'm so uninspired!
I fight: like a girl? I don't fight really.
I wait: not gladly. I hate waiting. I want now now now!!!
I need: more self-confidence apparently.
Stop complaining
Ooooh. Interesting one.
Posted by: The BML on Mon December 12, 2005 at 11:28