Last night I had a divine apparition.
OMFG LAURYN HILL!!!!!! *faints*
Ahem yes. Hello from Vega's nice-smelling place. The Fugees were amazing, thank Lauryn (geddit?? haha) I will see them again or I would be very depressed now.
But I must not be rude and update instead of talking to Vega, so that was it already. Sweden is cold but very nice so far, I have seen loads of stuff I want to (and will) buy, but today we will be touristy. But first we will be breakfasty. A longer Fugees reports (with lots of blurry pics of my Goddess and the other two) - perhaps - when I return.
Glad you is having fun. (where are you again??)
Hiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Vegaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Posted by: The BML on Sun December 4, 2005 at 15:40@my first guess about the divine apparition...
LOL @ hi Vega & where are you again. Do you not know where Vega lives?
@ Val.
Hello miss BML!
I want Sweden!!!!! (I mean I want to GO there one day).
*lol* No I meant like... shut up. I know she's in Switzerland.
Posted by: The BML on Wed December 7, 2005 at 9:56