I know it took me ages. I just had so much to do every night, what with me being away so much and the squiZZ coming this weekend () ... so I'm writing this from work. Beware, it's gonna be long and there's loads of pics.
Ok so let me start at the beginning (as you do). Before I went to Stockholm I went to London to meet up with d and Lo. I raced up there straight after work to be there as early as possible, so I had loads of bags at work, had to change at work and repack my various bags etc before racing off to the station. As a result I forgot my house keys in my work bag and only found out on the train, so I completely freaked out cuz I had no idea if I was gonna be able to get into Amex House after hours to retrieve them. I texted Ann-Louise in a panic and stuff... of course to make matters worse my useless piece of shit of a phone went totally low on battery so I could barely text people, let alone call them.
When I arrived at London Bridge it turned out Lo and d were still at their hotel at Picadilly. I wasn't terribly amused. All this hassle to get there as soon as I could, and then it turned out they'd be at least another half hour. I managed to text daniel where I was & ask him to bring his adapter (I have a Europlug charger for my mobile and of course hadn't taken an adapter since I was going to Sweden and didn't think my phone sucked that much)... and then the piece of shit died completely. So I sat waiting for them hoping they'd find me... and hoping we'd find a pub or restaurant where I could charge it.
We did. We went to the same place I went with Gaby last summer, it was reasonably nice and they had a free socket I could use... unnoticed for ages, then when they did notice they allowed me to keep using it. They had this really arrogant-looking waiter, he was like "I know I'm beautiful", walking around with his nose in the air, it was very amusing to watch. But yeah he let me charge my mobile so I liked him anyway.
Yeah and then we walked back to the station and I took a pretty picture of London... Bridge? It's a bridge anyway, and it's near London Bridge station, so I'll call it "the" London Bridge. Would that make it the first bridge there was over the Thames? No idea. My interest in London history is very limited. But it looks pretty.
I also took some pics of d and Lo but I dare not show them here or I'll probably get shouted at. The one that's very cute turned out blurry anyway. So yeah, I left them two behind and headed over to the sexy Mel's place for the night. We had some interesting conversations (I remember laughing a lot, but I can't remember what we talked about). I also met Kat's very fun mum (and Kat herself of course) ... and after a while I collapsed on the sofa and fell asleep. *lol* I usually fall asleep on Mel when I stay at her place.
But well, it was 1am by then and I had to get up at 7.30.
So next is Sweden. The journey was uneventful except I was sat next to a Brightoner on the plane, which was particularly freaky as I'd just come from London not Brighton - and he was from Kemp Town too, anyway that was pretty much it. So in Stockholm I found a lovely Vega at the station.
We went to the hotel to dump my stuff, then to the arena where Fugees were gonna play... and no one was there yet.
So we went shopping instead. And then when the shops had closed we just sat in the arena thingo opposite to warm ourselves up. Here's a cute Vega sitting on a floor (blurry but smiley):
Yep. And then we went to queue up, and finally we were let in, and then we stood in the crowd, and here's another pic for you of the two of us.
Mhm. And then came the warm up act, and then nothing for aaaaages, they were very late, but they are forgiven for they are most amazing. So eventually they came on. And it was incredibly wonderful. I'd vowed not to take too many pics and concentrate on the show instead, but of course I couldn't resist. I took loads, but most turned out crap, esp. those of Lauryn - she's blurred in almost every single one of them. She just moves too fast (tho my theory is that it's because you are not supposed to have an image of your God/dess). Anyway, here's a selection of some pics that didn't turn out all too crap:
Jaaaa so that was the concert. Did I mention they were amazing? They played a lot of The Score, and 3 Wyclef and 3 Lauryn songs each, and Ghetto Superstar as well. They got a not-so-good review in a Swedish paper, but I don't care, they were perfect to me.
(well almost
). And I had a wild time. *lol* So when I found Vega again after it was over (we had been separated) she went "woah look at you" or sth like that, so I took a picture to look at me.
So this is what I looked like after my divine apparition:
Oooookay. On with the report. Next day obviously since not much more happened that night. So next day we did sightseeing and shopping. First I went to Vega's place for breakfast (did I mention Vega is lovely?) and for a little bit of onlineness, and to deposit my brandnew iPod which I didn't wanna leave at the hotel. And then we went into town. To the old town first. So I took pics:
I also bought stuff in Indiska, very cool shop, in Old Town (they're all over Stockholm tho). Will show later. And a cheap hat and warm socks. Um yeah then we plodded on. So I took more pics. So I will show some of them. Altho with most stuff I don't even know what it is anymore. (I'd ask Ann-Louise what they are but she's off today
Ok that was that. We had dinner at some point (I had veggie Indian, was still being healthy!!! gone back to chocolate now...) and then we went to the cinema to see Corpse Bride! And I met Vega's Paul for the first time!!!! He's very nice. Jaja, and then we all went home. Mhmmm.
Next day Vega and I met at subway station and went into town again. Vega had school, but before that we went to see another church (which was close to her school) and then to McDonalds for a healthy (!) lunch (I had salad! wasn't very nice tho). And then we chatted for ages and suddenly it was 12.30 and Vega was late for school so she had to run. So I went for a loooong walk around Stockholm and took loads more pics. Again, with most of them I have no clue what it is.
Oookay.... then after all that walking I went to pick up Vega from her school and we... ah yes we went on a boat. We were gonna go to the Modern Arts Museum but that was closed of course (cuz Monday). You have mobile reception on the Stockholm underground btw. Cool yes? So we went on a ferry to Gröna Lund and back, to see pretty lights 'n' all. So have some shaky pics of pretty lights.
Ja and then we did some more shopping... I didn't buy much more tho... but I took some more pics.
Yeah and then it was time to head back home. So got train to airport, plane to Heathrow, raced around Heathrow.... GOD how I hate that airport!! I always get these really late planes back so I have like 10mins to catch the last bus of the day, so I have to run like mad, shove everyone aside, jump queues and all to catch that bloody bus, ugh. And Heathrow's so fucking big, I swear you walk a mile from the plane to the bus terminal! Everytime I collapse exhausted onto my bus seat I tell myself never again, but then of course I do book late planes again - it's just nice to have more time at your holiday place. But I made it yet again, short stop at Gatwick as usual...
And that was the end. Oh yeah, I did get into Amex House to retrieve my keys after midnight! Had to call work countless times to check tho. Yeah so that was the trip. I had a really really good time, and did I mention the loveliness of Vega? I'd never have thought when I first came across her on KOP 4 years ago that I would one day spend a fabulous weekend with her in her home town, have breakfast in her kitchen and go to a Fugees concert with her. I remember finding her so cool & creative and different and so "out of my league." So I am very lucky.
And thanks for being my guide Vega!
Ja so to finish I will show you the things I bought...
Yep yep that's all. Not done anything interesting since my return... mainly cleaned up, done laundry and other such boring things, in anticipation of squiZZarrival. And chatted loads to various people. I'm two weeks behind reading the B3ta newsletter - that's how busy I've been! Not had that in years!
Job has been particularly unbearable this week (tho slightly better today)... oh and you'll be pleased to hear that I've so far stuck with my resolution from 2 weeks ago. Everyone is proud of me. (well my mum and my counsellor and squi anyway lol). So now I'll go and snatch some more food (we got food from HR - hurrah, so I didn't have to buy lunch lol) and then write some more emails and eventually do some more work (I'm on lunch you see).
Right. I just left a massive comment and the fucker deleted it. It went sth like this...
LMAO @ 'apparition' pic Liked that one.
For some reason I thought you were staying in Vega's house... so where were you staying? Hotel? Was nice? Was cold?
Did you like Corpse Bride?
Like the Mr Burns thing too, very you.
The clothes you got are cool.
Did they do Killing Me Softly? I think the other one's called Nas, right? Or Pras. Or Gas.
Does that thing say Stockholm Heart Centre??
Those elves are creepy.
Why were you at Gatwick?
Right, that was them all I do believe. Fucking diary bollocks...
Posted by: The BML on Fri December 9, 2005 at 13:30you must have tons of clothes
and I like Mr Burns
and cute Vega on the floor picture
and just realised that there've neer been Citz&Lo pictures, what a shame
and lmao@ nose in the air
>>I also took some pics of d and Lo
shoooooooooooooooow me!!!
Woah @ long slore comment. Ok, one by one...
For some reason I thought you were staying in Vega's house... so where were you staying? Hotel? Was nice? Was cold?
Was nice and very warm, had to turn off heating overnight cuz too hot
Did you like Corpse Bride?
Very much. Seen before on the small screen tho, so think have told you this before.
Like the Mr Burns thing too, very you.
Isn't he
Did they do Killing Me Softly? I think the other one's called Nas, right? Or Pras. Or Gas.
Pras. And yes they did, I have a video of the intro on my Vincent
Does that thing say Stockholm Heart Centre??
I didn't give it much attention before but it seems it does.
Why were you at Gatwick?
Because there is no direct NationalExpress that late from Heathrow to Brighton, so have to change at Gatwick.
and @ Lo
and just realised that there've neer been Citz&Lo pictures, what a shame
There haven't? Oh. Oh well... maybe some other time.
shoooooooooooooooow me!!!
ja will send tonight. but are blurry
Didn't know you'd seen Corpse Bride. Liked?
Posted by: The BML on Fri December 9, 2005 at 14:39Why do I ask the same questions which have already been answered...?
because you're useless!
Does Vega hold her mobile in her hand while she's sleeping, too?
It looks like you had a wonderful trip.
I want to see the Fugeeees!
And Europe just looks so lovely.
Nice choice on the ipod. You told me apple sucked :).
enjoy your time with squizz.
Posted by: jimmy on Fri December 9, 2005 at 17:18The Norway concert was very interesting apparently. The warm up person, Mira Craig, did one of those stage dive thingies where people are supposed to catch her, except no one did catch her so she landed on the floor and then crawled around screaming for red cross. And then later on Wyclef did one of those other stage dive thingies, where people sort of pass him around on their hands, and he lost his mobile and they stopped the whole concert and everyone had to help look for it.
Posted by: Monica on Fri December 9, 2005 at 18:35She got "Corpse Bride" from me. My, my, my Tim Burton!
And I still haven't watched it myself, due to lack of time, grr.
I should check for the DVD version anyway.
@ Norway concert!!!
Well he didn't try stage diving again in Sweden
I still think Apple sucks Jimmy
But I'll make an exception for the iPod
YOUR Tim Burton?
I've seen it twice now!
And you don't have any more work now, do you? Watch it.
PS squiZZ claims Tim Burton for himself but he's wrong.
Tim Burton has been mine since Nightmare Before Christmas came out, so I was his first owner, I'm sure.
Err, and I am still busy until the beginning of February. It's evil, but I got to do one thing after the other till then.
Whee @ the lovely update! Cute, you have no clue what youve been photographing!
I do NOT sleep with my mobile in my hand! It was just that whenever the Citz wanted to take a picture I didnt wanna miss out and took pics too (with my mobile). LMAO @ the observation tho!
Posted by: Michelle on Sat December 10, 2005 at 10:18Tim Burton is mine!
Posted by: The BML on Sat December 10, 2005 at 13:49Just to say it in MJ's words - aaaah [...] go to hell.
you can all fight over him.
BTW the DVD version is actually already available. Way cool, cuz I didn't want to have to watch the sucky version.
Oooooh I want!!!!
You still use WinMX?
As far as I know, WinMX is gone.
I use BitTorrent now.
Ah ok.
Posted by: Clarissa on Sun December 11, 2005 at 2:29