Reading this thread.... ooooh how I miss it!!!!!
Then remembering this is now open!
Guess what I'll be doing next weekend... done!
.. update after you went to bed. But I've just felt like rambling a little.
My new table is fast turning into a dump. I have not folded it away of course, so it sits (rather, stands) on my right, within perfect reach. Anything that doesn't fit onto my tiny PC desk gets dropped on the table. This is not good of course, as I'll end up with yet another area I regularly need to clear out (and it also means that whenever I actually wanna use it, you know, as a table, I'll have serious trouble finding a free spot). Self-discipline... ah if only I had it.
I have developped an obsession with Twinings infusions. My favourites so far are Echinacea & Raspberry, and Peach & Passionfruit. And of course the old classic, Peppermint. Very yummy - and oh so healthy. Also very pretty packaging. Looks great in my drawer at work. I regularly have weird work-food obsessions you see (that is, food I munch at work). I'll have nothing else for weeks. Then suddenly I'll grow bored and move on to the next thing.
First it was Maryland cookies. Then I discovered Mini Cheddars. Then it was sausage rolls. Then gherkins, then scotch eggs (I'm still sorta on the scotch eggs). Yeah and now it's infusions. At least they're healthy. My dinner tonight consisted of 3 cups of tea and 2 yoghurts. Hooray! Oh yeah, and I bought a kettle. Hooray again!
I was gonna make some other observation, but I have forgotten now. I need to send some money to the Lux tax office. Greedy bastards. Better do that now or I'll forget. Goodnight.
PS I love Ask Metafilter, but d finds it boring. His loss.
(Went to London, met friends, was interesting, may blog about it...)
Anyway. Have had Lauryn songs (Fugees / Sister Act 2 / Miseducation...) on my Zen again recently and
This is gonna be a right whingeing entry. YEP CUZ THIS IS MY BLOG AND I WILL WHINGE ALL I LIKE!!!!!
Continue reading "OMFG I AM SO TIRED!!!"
I love my Katja!
The course of my life is set for the next 10 months or so. I keep wanting to check job ads, and have to remind myself that I don't want a new job right now, because I will be doing this course, and am better off staying in this one (provided they let me... I will ask next week I promise! I don't think they're gonna refuse anyway tho).
And this is a new feeling that I haven't had for a while, and it's nice and reassuring. But it's also frustrating cuz I am sooo impatient to move on and make changes and now I feel sorta trapped.
I'm never happy. I really suck!
Sunday is the day of The Lord. However I did nothing Lordlike at all (well apart from talking to Him right now).
Continue reading "Sunday update"
Okay so I'll say something about it too.
Continue reading "France on fire"
... you'll be back.
Wanna bet?
It's a video entry!!!!!! HERE (wmv, 5,025KB)
Yeah and it's only in one format, because I am too lazy to install lots of software and Windows Movie Maker is preinstalled, and if you can't view it then you suck and/or should install lots of software yourself.
the (w)hamster of the (w)hore!
(I recommend No. 14 especially! the pic is of Audrey, the hamster of Ann-Louise. they're gonna get married, Humphrey and Audrey. ooh yes they are!)
Yes indeed I am.
Continue reading "I'm in love!"
That's what I just did.
Continue reading "Blow a fuse"'s another update.
Continue reading "Just to please Lo...."
but then it was after all
Continue reading "The entry that was not to be"
Not gonna get any sleep tonight anyway so might as well keep going.
Continue reading "Anecdote - da powercut!"
[entry below]
Continue reading "Permission denied [luxupdate]"
blabla lol.
Continue reading "Lux in pix"
*running around in circles*
[we're moving forward by moving backwards. but since everything was better before...]
Continue reading "So this is the plan"
GUESS WHAT!?!?!??!??!?!?!?!?!
I am so fucking tired. [now updated with pics!!]
Continue reading "Lalala"
as usual... FYI.... but mainly for my own. Pics in a separate entry [maybe].
Continue reading "Paris Nov '05 - the report"
For those who don't like long boring texts... here's lots of boring pictures!