Yes indeed I am.
With Michael Jackson, because he is amazing and incredibly cute and very sexy!
With my boys who are TOGETHERRRR!!!!!!!
How fucking cute is that!?!??!
I'm so happy for them!
With Ann-Louise because she's very wonderful. But she'd probably freak out if she read this.
Not only am I in love, but I am also very excited because I have lots of fun stuff to look forward to! Let me start by saying I AM GOING TO PARIS IN TWO WEEKS!!!!!!
See I booked the 28th off cuz it was the last available Monday (and I still had 1 day to take) but wasn't sure what to do with it. Then the other night Mark mentioned a Dada exhibition at my beloved Centre Pompidou... I was like "oooh I have to see that" but the logical consequence of doing that on my free weekend didn't occur to me until some time later (I did a half-fun IQ test earlier and didn't score too well on logic... well there you go
). Anyway. Booked flights this morning. I'm staying at Caroline's place (not seen her in a while). Should be great fun.
And then what else is there... well Luxembourg next week which will be a welcome break from work, tho I am not that excited about going... I keep having strange nightmares about it, like forgetting to do or take important stuff, or arguing with my dad (yes the dead one), so I guess I must have some weird worries about it. Still, I get to see my friends again (hm should start arranging that actually) and my horsey too.
Mhm and after Paris there is Stockholm and the Fugees! The lovely Vega has sent me a link to a cheap hotel she's had recommended, so I'm all sorted for that. Ok I haven't booked yet but I will.
Am very excited about that too because 1. the lovely Vega and 2. a new place to explore and 3. Fugees of course!!!!
Then after that there will be some more Fugees in London (the 25th Nov concert was rescheduled to 15th Dec). That kinda sucks cuz there is no way I can get the 15th off, so I'll have to rush back and forth TWICE and won't get to spend much time with squiZZ. I have considered calling in sick but they know about the concert at work. But of course it's still exciting cuz 1. squiZZ and 2. Fugees! And of course Mel! (hm actually maybe I could get a half day on the 14th... will have to check. anyway)
Yeah and then New Year's Eve I am spending in Mainz. I am, of course, in love with Katja too. Not properly spent NY's Eve with them for ages. (last year online doesn't count)
Oh yeah and Willy Wonka's coming out on DVD on the 21st!!!
So much about the future. So about the (very recent) past. Last night was Manu's leaving do - very conveniently at the Sidewinder, the pub just across the street. We all consumed rather large amounts of alcohol (so I'm feeling a bit rough today) but I had a good time. I'd show you pics but I am a bit reluctant about the whole "posting pics of work people on my site" thing. But let it be known that there are some great pics.
Wanna see a geeky pic of three laptops?
It's cheating tho cuz one of them's not mine. It's James' work laptop (James is Ann-Louise's boyfriend) that I stored here so he didn't have to lug it around. We used that one last night to go online on the Sidewinder's WLAN & sign into the IBM network and go on their messenger to see if anyone in the US was online so we could geekily message them "hey we're at the pub and you're at work muahaha."
Notice the sexiness of my Tommy tho compared to the other two! The third one is my old Toshiba which I retrieved from my slore the other night. I am unsure what to do with it. Turns out I can't upgrade the RAM so at 96MB it's pretty useless (I was gonna have a go at Linux you see...). Any suggestions? I could make a green equivalent of the Pink Hello Kitty Laptop. Or I could take it apart and make jewellery out of its components. I could of course just donate it to someone who needs it but that would be boring.
>>go online on the Sidewinder's WLAN & sign into the IBM network and go on their messenger to see if anyone in the US was online so we could geekily message them "hey we're at the pub and you're at work muahaha."
You sad bint.
LMAO @ the 3 laptops, and the shitty one on the left. I hope you removed my porn...
Interesting @ Sidewinder. Is it nice? Always wanted to go there. Purely for REM related reasons, nothing else.
I could just ask you all this on messenger but I can't be arsed.
What else. Oh yeah, Jerry wants the laptop and I'm sure will pay for it. So fucking hand it over, bitch.
Posted by: The BML on Sat November 12, 2005 at 19:52Yeah Sidewinder is nice actually. Lucky me to have such a nice local... esp. since I have no social life.
Not started the laptop yet. And hm @ Jerry...
Posted by: Clarissa on Sat November 12, 2005 at 20:08I want your baby laptop! Not fair...
Do they play REM songs?
@ Michelle, cuuuute @ baby!
Don't remember them playing any on Friday, no. They played Billie Jean tho!
Wheeeee! I'm there! *runs*
Posted by: The BML on Sun November 13, 2005 at 9:43