I am so fucking tired. [now updated with pics!!]
Just had EXHAUSTION ATTACK. Obviously the wise thing to do would be to go to bed now so I can actually fall asleep. But when have I ever been wise...
I also probably shouldn't update now cuz I've had a "OMG EVERYTHING IS HORRIBLE" attack just now too. They're probably related, tho not sure which came first. But I can't go to bed with horribility attack cuz then will be "staying awake listening to sad song on repeat staring into darkness" phase for 2 hours and that's not gonna make me sleep so I'll hype myself up with entry and then, like, go to bed. Unless the exhaustion phase has passed again by then and I'll stupidly stay awake for another 2hrs or sth.
Ok so I was gonna write about work (this whole update thing is so not gonna happen ). I have soooo many people online on MSN! I'm only talking to five but like, wow, I've never had that many!!!! 12!!! Tho some are away. lol
[...] that was 8 hours ago or so. now it is 7am and i am in bed but can't sleep so thought i'd finish this entry, which as predicted was never finished due to too many people online & drama. tho the whole thing is a bit pointless since i was gonna post pics and the pics are on the desktop but oh well. they are of the terribly tacky xmas decorations ingmar and i bought at the poundshop. they're frigging hilariously tasteless. ingmar is fantastic. as is ann-louise who called me on her way home from sweden. she loves me
(lol, in normal-people-speak that means: she finds me interesting enough to call me straight away after she's been away for a week and that makes me happy.
sorry for the lack of caps btw but since i'm lying in bed i only have one hand to type so using shift is too much hassle most the time. i've sort of run out of things to say now anyway so i guess i could just wrap this up and read other people's updates if there are any. wish i could sleep tho. oh and i thought i'd let you know that drama last night has motivated me to really try and stop my current... um, bad habit as of right now. i know i know, crypticism sucks but most people who read this know what i mean anyway. oh, and to the drama causer(s): thank you, and i'm sorry, and i love you.
ps [edit after checking simply] insomnia all around i see
pps [edit again] oh i've just realized I also took pics of the tacky stuff with my mobile so I can post those for you, better than nothing:
look at the little monkey beside the tree!
@ drama.
Ja monkey is Borobà, got from squiZZ
Thanks for txt message, saw it this morning Awwwww, me too btw
*lol* I was gonna reply but then went out and now got new phone and it's charging and I want it to be finished by now so I can use it as I am impatient as fuck and yes and aha and alright.
Is that the same monkey we put in the fre...
Never mind.
Loving the lights around the monitor! And that big sparkly circular... thing. Yes indeed.
Posted by: The BML on Mon November 28, 2005 at 15:41 We didn't tho in the end!!
I think we did, you know. To see if ice formed on things which are not made up of water.
Posted by: The BML on Tue November 29, 2005 at 12:37*calls the RSPCA*
Did ice form? It should have formed a small layer on him from frozen moisture that was in the air yeah?
I thought we were gonna but didn't.
Oooh yeah I remember now, we did, didn't we! And found out that it didn't! Right?
Yeah probably @ thin layer.
Can't remember tbh
I don't think anything happened *lol* he was still squishy.
I remember being VERY disappointed.
Posted by: The BML on Thu December 1, 2005 at 11:39