The course of my life is set for the next 10 months or so. I keep wanting to check job ads, and have to remind myself that I don't want a new job right now, because I will be doing this course, and am better off staying in this one (provided they let me... I will ask next week I promise! I don't think they're gonna refuse anyway tho).
And this is a new feeling that I haven't had for a while, and it's nice and reassuring. But it's also frustrating cuz I am sooo impatient to move on and make changes and now I feel sorta trapped.
I'm never happy. I really suck!
You are very cute lately
I am the same as always really. I think you're just being overly soppy or sth.
Hehe, I know how you're feeling. I couldn't wait for my studies last year, too. It's the excitement over changes in life.
Posted by: Michelle on Sun November 6, 2005 at 7:49Yeah I guess. But things can't keep changing forever.