... you'll be back.
Wanna bet?
OK... we can bet *lol*
Posted by: Mark on Wed November 9, 2005 at 21:57 ok
Posted by: Clarissa on Wed November 9, 2005 at 22:09Deal
Of course he'll be back . . . he's been back and gone again before I even had the time to read anything. It'll take a while if just to prove a point but he won't vanish forever. After all, even my Grudgey came home.
What's very tragic to me is that you're only betting 5gbp?!! (can't find sign on yanky keyboard) You guys are supposed to be rich inheritance kids! how about at bigger wager?!! . . . although that probably won;t happen since Mark's most likely spent most of that and so can't afford the big wagers because we all know he's gonna be the loser.
Can I at least read what I missed?
Markus - Do you still have them invisibled on your editor?
Clarisse - Have you saved the html files?
"that probably won;t happen since Mark's most likely spent most of that and so can't afford the big wagers because we all know he's gonna be the loser."
nothing's invisibled... my thoughts are confined to my memory... and that's where you will have to pry if you wanna know stuff
nothing that interesting going on anyway... applying to uni... moving to france... in love with straight people... the usual
Posted by: Mark on Thu November 10, 2005 at 19:07LMAO @ squiZZ. I may still have them on the laptop teeeheee.
[edit] yeah so thanks to Google cache and Tommy cache I have 2 pages of updates for you, will send when you're bored in Falkirk. (lol sorry Mark )
I'm not wasting my inheritance on silly bets. lol
Posted by: Clarissa on Thu November 10, 2005 at 21:35e didn't even last 2 weeks