I intend to be rambling, so brace yourselves.
[I will be away for a while you see.]
[She's forcing me to update AGAIN].
Mel is my Goddess.
And she needs money.
And her bedroom is nice and clean and tidy.
She's very generous when it comes to towel-giving.
She is pregnant with Michael Jackson's baby.
So I'm still at Mel's, and too lazy yet to go to Asda, so I shall write my Paris report...
Continue reading "Ze report de Paris - avec Placebo!"
You may remember that my God Mel and her sidekick Ellie were here last weekend. Because I'm a lazy cunt it took me ages to put videos and pics online... but here they finally are!
Or something or other. I should be in bed, but obviously I am not (well I could be, theoretically, since I have a laptop and also a bed. But I am not). So I will tell you about the following:
• Brian
• Mel
• Pink
• Kate
and of course...
• trains
SPIEGEL ONLINE: Was machen Sie mit einer Million Euro?
Lang: Ich fliege mit meiner Frau nach Indien, kaufe ihr ein kleines Auto und zahle unsere Eigentumswohnung ab. Der Rest des Geldes wird erst einmal angelegt. Da bin ich konservativ. [Quelle]
Nein, nein, nein!!! So muß es heißen:
Ich heiße Erwin Lindemann, bin Rentner und 66 Jahre. Mit meinem Lottogewinn von 500.000 DM mache ich erst mal eine Reise nach Island, dann fahre ich mit meiner Tochter nach Rom und besuche eine Papstaudienz, und im Herbst eröffne ich dann in Wuppertal eine Herrenboutique. [Quelle]
(apologies to non-Germans lol)
I've just returned from her concert. She's kinda nuts, but in a good way. Mutters to herself on stage, and introduces her instruments as "her band" and says "him" about her piano and stuff. I'd consider an ImogenPet.
Going to a concert in Brighton is weird. You just... walk out of the venue and go home. As opposed to bus, tube, train or plane (or all of them combined lol).
In other news, I'm gonna take an online break. I mean, I'm gonna be here... but not really. So if you don't hear from me for a while, please don't be worried and/or offended.
...forgot to turn off the cooker and left the microwave door open...
I had some really, really great times with them.
But sometimes you just have to cherish the memories and move on.
Sorry. I meant: I'm so red!!!!
Continue reading "I'm so rad!!!!"
Ok so I found my cool sound sample CDs, installed Adobe Premiere and had a bit of a play. The idea (news show) was Vega's, and really I was just playing around to see what Premiere Elements can do. Hopefully next week I'll drag my slore out into the streets of Brighton to really embarrass ourselves. Aaaanyway...
I had great fun working on this, and I hope you'll get a few giggles out of it too. It's completely nonsensical rubbish of course... as usual. [and yes I'm aware it's midday now but this was started last night
because "J SAYS SO DAMNIT! "
UK 'number one al-Qaeda target'
[stolen from BML]
This is a funny coincidence cuz earlier today I was reading the "end of year survey" from last year and doing a bit of looking-back. I've seen Placebo 6 times so far this year. Heh. Anyway. Survey-thing.
Continue reading "So far in '06 I have..."
I've not had a proper "what's been going on" update for ages it seems. So here is one. A short one, cuz nothing much has been going on. Also quick'n'dirty layout change as you can see.
Continue reading "Me and my life"
So I was gonna do an entry about general blabla, because I have been reading old entries about general blabla. Then I came across this one from one year ago which mentions the green card lottery... and I decided to follow the link...
Continue reading "Noooooooooooooo!!!!"
I have discovered that Placebo will be playing Antwerp 28/11. This is when I'll be in Lux.
Like OMG! I need my Brianfix. Badly. *shaking*
The (standing) tickets are shockingly expensive.
Perhaps I can find cheaper. I must go!
You cannot understand!
Trust me.
[edit 10:35]
Lo: hold you back? that is why comments are not allowed
(it would be pointless anyway wouldn't it) But I will be wise... won't I.
[edit 10:58]
Hm 3:45hrs train from Lux to Antwerp... maybe I won't go after all. Maybe.
[edit 11:06]
But I've never seen them in Belgium.... and I did wanna go see them in November didn't I, and I can't afford US... and OMG that would be less than one month from now! It could be my reward for doing my exams! Aargh!
Indian Style [youtube]
This is quite funny and really not so bad, hehe.