I've just returned from her concert. She's kinda nuts, but in a good way. Mutters to herself on stage, and introduces her instruments as "her band" and says "him" about her piano and stuff. I'd consider an ImogenPet.
Going to a concert in Brighton is weird. You just... walk out of the venue and go home. As opposed to bus, tube, train or plane (or all of them combined lol).
In other news, I'm gonna take an online break. I mean, I'm gonna be here... but not really. So if you don't hear from me for a while, please don't be worried and/or offended.
I want to see Imogen!
And I thought I was the one taking an online break. I guess I'm cheating by coming to the library. But it is a max 30 minute session
Nice timing
Monicas get special treatment
Good good @ online break. Very healthy.