Ok so I found my cool sound sample CDs, installed Adobe Premiere and had a bit of a play. The idea (news show) was Vega's, and really I was just playing around to see what Premiere Elements can do. Hopefully next week I'll drag my slore out into the streets of Brighton to really embarrass ourselves. Aaaanyway...
I had great fun working on this, and I hope you'll get a few giggles out of it too. It's completely nonsensical rubbish of course... as usual. [and yes I'm aware it's midday now but this was started last night
LMFAO! You're SO silly! I think you should do this more often! GENIUS!
Hey, you might want to do a follow up report on the Royal Mail piece. I suspect it's something VERY important , yes indeedy...
LMFAOOOO That was the best!
Already said on Yahoo but this is brilliant! I'm loving your new software and I demand, nay demand, more.
LMAO! That was GREAT! You must do more of those!
Posted by: Vega on Mon October 16, 2006 at 13:37Hey Clarissa, I thought that was really cute. It made me smile heaps =) Would love to see more!!!
I loved the mysterious mail one! haha.
Posted by: Jess on Tue October 17, 2006 at 9:38