I intend to be rambling, so brace yourselves.
[I will be away for a while you see.]
So this weekend Mel finally came down to Brighton (we'd been bugging her ever since we moved here!), aaand she brought an Ellie!!! Originally I wasn't gonna be here (cuz you know, Paris with squiZZ & all) and they were gonna come anyway (goes to show how much they wanted to see ME eh? ), but then things changed as you know, and I ended up hosting them at Darryl (that's my colourful flat!!!).
And I have pics and videos to illustrate this, and I should probably post them all, so I shall do that in a separate entry, because it's easier that way [but like, when I get back or sth]. Because there are loads of pics. And some videos. And in this entry I shall write words.
We mostly did very touristy stuff: went in the sea, on the Pier & its rides (except me), to the Lanes and into town. Occasionally singing loudly (except me). Then it was time for X-factor so we came home, minus LJ cuz she had some boring party to go to. And we watched loads of TV. Not that I have a TV. Or a license. Or a TV card. Shush.
Today: beach, Pier, the end. Mel stripped down to her underwear (almost) and went in the sea again, Mel and LJ waved & screamed & shrieked at some jet ski guys for bloody ages and fed some ravenous seagulls donuts.... and then we recorded some silly videos back at my place. Then they left.
Tomorrow morning I am leaving for Paris. Am very meh about it right now. I'd rather just stay home. But I know I would kick myself for missing Placebo. I've had moments of "feeling guilty" about the Alisdair thing too, but I tend to get over them eventually. It's just generally very sad. Still. After all these years.
The way I feel about it now is... I'm 'punishing' him for treating me like shit - not just this time, but repeatedly (when I've always let him get away with it so far - and this was my mistake of course). So yeah, it's not 'educational' in the least, but purely vindictive. It makes me feel better to know that the consequences of his selfish, insensitive, thoughtless actions will affect him for once, that he'll regret them - not because he's hurting someone else (I lost that hope ages ago) , but because they actually have repercussions for him. Knowing this just makes me hurt less. And that's what matters at this point.
After I get back from Paris I'll go to Mel's and we'll go see Pink... if I get the fucking tickets on time. I of course left it far too late to check if I actually had them (and it turns out I didn't). So I complained, and they said they'd send them again... but they didn't. So now I have to contact them again on Monday and hope for the best. If I don't get them... oh well.
I am irresponsible anyway.
PS oooooh I spoke to Matty the other night! HE IS ALIVE!!!
You went into the sea? Was this for polar bear-esque behavior, or was it tolerable?
I hope you have lots of fun in Paris! I wanna see Placebo very much.
I love youuu.
Posted by: Warm Breathing Creature on Sun October 1, 2006 at 22:51I didn't go personally, but as I just said to Lo, this is the end of summer, so the sea is really not so cold.
PS I have a spare ticket for Placebo? You'd have to really hurry tho.
I went into the sea Charlie de Citz! And it wasn't too cold. That was the first time I'd been in the sea for over 10 years. Yay!
BTW: If you don't get the tickets on time, you'll probably be able to pick them up at the box office with a code the ticket agency will give you. That's what happened when I didn't receive N.E.R.D. (or Lenny Kravitz) tickets on time.
Posted by: Mel on Sun October 1, 2006 at 22:59I am proud, Mel de Wam!
I want to go into the ocean; you know, it's been about ten years for me, too, other than one time that I was too drunk to remember...
Good luck with the ticket business; that sounds kind of scary. But the mail can be very quick sometimes. I had an apostille come the day after it was postmarked recently.
Mel you whore!
Oooh @ tickets. Well I shall spend an hour or two on the phone to Ticketmaster on Weds... from your landline!!!
God you're all sad people with your oceanlessness.
(tickets are email, not snail mail. )
At least I have seen the ocean before. It always weirds me out to hear about those people who never have, even after coming of age and all that.
Well, if they're e-mail it shouldn't be too bad, although it's a bit disturbing that they messed up twice. Wah-wah-wah.
PS: Paris.
Myyyy Paris
and ja @ disturbing, I wonder if they'd refund me if I ended up with no tickets.
Posted by: Clarissa on Sun October 1, 2006 at 23:24I WANT CHARLIE...... to come to the UK.
Miiiine!!!!! Back off!!!!
to come to the UK.
Oh. Yeah. Me too. (but you still can't have him. even tho you are very adorable and melkish!)
Woah this is almost getting at scary as the whole minecopyrightcitzbml-thing years ago.
Enjoy Paris & London though :)
Posted by: Monica on Mon October 2, 2006 at 9:17
Come back.
Posted by: WBC © on Tue October 3, 2006 at 18:33I will have a Wam tonight!!!!!
Wah'eva happened between you and Ali? is it all the same kind of Drama as before?
Posted by: Kal on Tue October 3, 2006 at 22:01Yeah it's the same drama as before because apparently for some reason he keeps treating me like shit. Heh.
@ WBC ©
@ Mel