Sorry. I meant: I'm so red!!!!
Well I'm not really, I'm something between red and black and whatever ("whatever" being my natural colour: very dark brown with a substantial amount of grey).
And you can see it all on video too! (wmv, 1006KB, 29secs).
Haircut by my best friend John's gay sidekick, scary red stripes all by YOURS TRULY! Whee! I am bad ass! *lol*
*wolf Whisles* Hey sheksheeee laydee!
Your hair looks fab! I love it when it red . You're looking well well, girl!
Posted by: J on Fri October 13, 2006 at 22:51Thank yoouu!!!
you inspired me with your red highlights!!!
You look like that guy behind you in the video (on the left). *g*
Posted by: Katja on Fri October 13, 2006 at 23:41You mean Bill?
Aaaahhh!! I've just noticed your red eyebrow! How cool!!!
You look like a rock star!!
I'm in the Java Shack close to Ballston. Where you got lost with Charlie
We didn't get lost
We just went to the wrong metro station.
Rock and rooooollllll!
Coooooooool!!! Very nice
When's the grrrrin coming?
Posted by: BML on Sun October 15, 2006 at 15:12Don't think there will be green.