For a change. Have a report. With pics.
The reason I went was interview. Interview went reasonably well. Job would be very challenging but fun. Next I'm meant to get a brief to research and prepare a presentation which I will then hold next week. Drew (guy who interviewed me and would be my boss) is very cute and fun and multitalented and geeky, he designs, makes and produces music and other stuff. And he's married with kids. *lol* (no I didn't ask him. I googled him and did some online stalking).
Then because my newly delivered Oyster card had to be activated from Victoria but I was in Farringdon I decided to walk to Victoria. Via the Tate Modern for Kandinsky, which was really amazing. There were lots of paintings I had not seen before, many of which I really loved. I wanted to buy like a portfolio with four of them, but it wouldn't have fit in my bag and I didn't wanna carry it around all day so I'll have to go back for it.
I was shocked to find tho that there are currently no Anselm Kiefer works at the Tate (they usually have seven). I've tried to find out where they are, but was unsuccessful. There was some Kiefer exhibition in Canada but that finished in April, so they should be back by now. It was very traumatizing, I'd been looking forward to seeing Lilith again. Ah well.
After that I walked along the Thames etc towards Victoria and behaved very touristily and took a number of pics, two of which I will share with you.
Then I went to Subway (Thursday! Italian BMT day!) , then online, then to Hyde Park where I was soon joined by a marvellous Mel. She shouted to me and woke a guy who'd been sleeping in one of the sun loungers on the lawn. He looked very displeased, but his phone rang like 30secs later so that would've woken him up anyway.
On our way out of Hyde Park we found incredibly fat people. So I took a pic of Mel, making sure I got the fat people too. They were really quite amazing.
We went to Asda and bought loads of food (we wanna look like that too!), then went home and bummed about (no pun intended lmao). I did fall asleep on them of course (I'd been up since five!!), but I woke up again and stayed up with Mel until 1am. The next day we just stayed in. Well, Mel went to the doctor, but I... didn't. We watched hilarious talk shows ("You're too fat to strip!" on Ricki Lake - Obese Denise didn't agree
) and wasted some time online. And I cleaned Mel's PC of the 537 trojans, spywares and whatnot else she had on there.
And we chatted and bitched loads, mainly about how all men are bastards.
Mel is very wonderful.
Eeeventually we went into C.London to buy GREEN FACE MAKE UP so Mel can paint herself green and stand outside the House of Parliament asking for directions to Big Ben! And also for Pride.
Which she has agreed to come to Brighton for.
She tested loads of greens on her hand and it ended up looking like this:
I then had to leave a Mel who returned home () and I headed to Maida Vale to squiZZ's house. We, um... well first I went online to cry some with Katja about Robert Gernhardt's death, and then we watched Big Brother but I found that boring mostly. Then we talked for ages about jobs and travel bookings and stuff and squiZZ tried to explain to me how it all works but I didn't understand all of it. But that's ok. Oh and I also got to see the hamsters, Chubby and Skinny (the fat one really is fat!). I didn't take any pics of them tho. From 150 on my first visit to 5 on my second visit to... none on my third.
Then we watched Janet Velvet Rope and squiZZ fell asleep and I freaked out somewhat (for a change lol).
Next day we went to collect a perfect Tom from Kings Cross and went to Ikea, as squiZZ needed a duvet. I will show you a Tom, and also a squiZZ.
And now of course I will show you all the things I bought at Ikea. Sooooo much colourful stuff, and it was all reduced and very very cheap!!!
Yeah that's all the Ikea stuff. Fun yes?
That's pretty much the end. I went home after that. I missed most of the England match but that was boring. I watched the France match, but was on the phone to my mum so we both missed the goal.
The end.
'ello! loving all the stuff from Ikea, it's tres cute!!!
Woah @ the fat arses... why!?!?!? just why!?!?!?!
Posted by: J on Mon July 3, 2006 at 0:09'ello!
Fat is from too much food.
Nice pictures
And I think they are gonna win!
I hope so!
That's the bestest entry you've ever wrote/written!!!!!
@ wrote.
But in general.
LMAO@ those fat people pics. gunna tape that pic to my hand to remind me what'll happen if i carry on eating as much crap as I do.
Posted by: shaziak on Wed July 5, 2006 at 1:16