Ja, so slight paraphrase of the previous entry.
Today is the last day of my visit, in 6 hours I will be monless and I don't wannaaaaaaaa!!!!
Yeah other than that everything is pretty much ok.
Hello how are you? I am on a plane. These plane tables are not very convenient for Tommies so I have my Tommy on my lap. He is a laptop after all. Well ok he is a notebook but you know what I mean. I am not online. No WiFi on planes yet. That would be neat. One day no doubt. Unless that interferes with their electronics too? Ok well wired LAN is fine with me. Little cables coming out of the armrests. How fun!
Continue reading "Upon my soul"
My mon was not particularly mon. It monned quite mon after not enough mon and I had to mon to mon, which was very mon (read: mon) all mon. So most of the mon I monned. I monned to Mon, Mon, Mon and loads to my mon Mon. Mon monned me monce but I could not mon up the mon cuz of mon. Now I'm mon. Soon I will mon & then I'll mon the mon for my new mon called Mon. Where is my Mon?
My day was not particularly fun. It started quite early after not enough sleep and I had to go to work, which was very boring (read: quiet) all day. So most of the time I emailed. I spoke to Lo, Tay, Chris and loads to my flatmate LJ. Jimmy called me twice but I could not pick up the phone cuz of work. Now I'm home. Soon I will eat & then I'll paint the shelf for my new flat called Darryl.Where is my Mon?
Excuse me. I am bored and stuff. There is no Mon online. Where is she? Not with me that's for sure.
Did I tell y'all about my aspirations to become one of Mon's dogs? It is my ultimate goal in life. I hope she'll be able to see past my... humanness and accept me as the dog that I want to be. I would be a good dog. I successfully barked when we went for a walk 2 days ago. And I frolicked around the field with Papaya.
I'd tell y'all how many Monpics I have but that might freak her out. I don't have as many Monpics as I have squiZZpics, but I have more Monpics than I have Taypics. Twice as many in fact. I have almost as many Lopics as I have Monpics. I'd show you some of my Monpics but she doesn't wanna. Maybe I'll show you some of my dogpics.
Oh, Mon and I are engaged! In Sims2. SimsMon is gonna die soon (cuz she's old and has white hair) and then SimCitz is gonna be very sad cuz Mon dying is one of her fears. She'll lose 5000 points or sth like that.
Mon and I are gonna open a doghorseplace in the South of Norway (not in Sims). But first Mon has to finish her studies. In the meantime I will save money and try to do some sort of course with a horse person. I have lots of time cuz Mon won't be done for a while. With her studies. Maybe I should also learn Norwegian. I have a Norwegian dictionary! I got it from d for Xmas. Ja so then Mon and I will start horsedogplace. It will be fun.
I should sleep but I am not tired. I should unpack & finish painting shelf but I am lazy. Where is my Mon? (jaja Jimmy she's yours too) I shall go now for this is making little sense.
PS found her!!!!!
(mon mon and mon while mon was mon?
Mon mon! But mon is monning mon tho! )
Ahem. Excuse me.
I took pictures while I was with Mon (and here I do mean Mon when I say "Mon").
Here are some.
Remember she's mine and Jimmy's.
Thank you.
I lovelovelove my MonMonMonMonMon.
I still lovelovelove my MonMonMonMonMon
Yes it is actually happening! Operation Darryl has officially started with phase 1 being completed yesterday. Phase 1 included packing all my stuff in the lounge and in the hall closets and moving everything I could carry myself to Darryl aka new flat.
Here's photographic evidence.
Continue reading "I am moving"
So in the past 2 hours I've started about 4 different entries trying to explain why I've not had any meaningful entries recently, and I've discarded every single one of them.
Says it all dunnit. So why even attempt to do any entry,
There. That was the entry. As good as it gets. Deal with it.
Bored bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing bored bored bored I hate packing.
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Darling MSN user???? Pure genius!!!
And my acceûs to MSN serviñes??? LMAO
And the sender is called Bedazzled S. Sakai!!!
I love Placebo .:. I hate my skin .:. I need to vacuum this place .:. I love Tomtay (where is he?) .:. bloody BluTack everywhere .:. I am 99% done packing .:. I hate my job .:. I very much miss my Mon (where is she? she hates me) .:. I'm out of alcohol .:. I'm getting a new Switch card .:. moving sucks .:. I have 4 SIM cards .:. we're gonna see REM live in July .:. I need to be rich .:. it's foggy outside .:. I hadn't heard the fog horn in months before today .:. I won't hear the fog horn once I live in Darryl .:. I wanna hide under Mon's or Tay's bed .:. I hate dust with a passion .:. I am going to London on Sunday .:. I'mma keep my Lara a little longer .:. Janet is great .:. so is her brother .:. I generally hate Americans tho .:. kids too. a lot .:. I want my music to go louder .:. the end
Mon's dog
Tay's iPod
an empty room
(8 word update)
So here's Darryl in all his glory for you to marvel at.
Warning: massive picture entry!
Continue reading "I went to London"
I have the Internet at home! Broadband has been activated and it works, it is now MIINE MIIINE MIIIINE!!!!! *muahahaha*
I'm on my lunch break and online, apparently that makes me a sad git but who the fuck cares. I am bloody proud of it!
I am not hating work so much today which is good as I have to go back there in about 2mins time. So yeah. Fully connected. Thought you might like to know. I'd say "I love you all" but today is Valentine's day so I prefer not to.
I have BML Me's guinea pigs (can't be bothered to explain why) so I couldn't resist having a bit of fun with them.
Check out photographic evidence...
You might know about the rainbow theme of my Darryl... (ahem, everyone who reads this blog will know plenty about it). Anyway. I have in my 'big room' three hooks on the ceiling. I wanted to hang sth from those hooks, just cuz they were there. Today I was in Evolution (the most marvellous shop in town) and found pretty things. I bought, and I hung.
Pretty ja? I know, three hooks, two things. Will find one more.
Um yeah. Thassall really. For now.
I love my flat. Darryl is his name. He's marvellous. He's colourful and fun and slightly chaotic in an orderly way; that is he looks cluttered but he's actually tidy. He's small so I don't have to walk far and he's easy to heat. And it only takes 5mins to heat the water for a shower and 2mins to heat it for the dishes. Most of all he's colourful.
I love my flat. He contains pictures of the people and paintings and places I love and that are pleasant to look at. He has the most amazing toilet seat and shower curtain and hanging things and round rainbow rug and other rainbow things. He's 2mins from the nearest Coop and 2mins from the sea. He's 6mins from work and 10mins from town centre.
I love my flat. And I love being in my flat. And when I am unable to be in my flat (because I have to work for instance) I love looking at videos and pictures of my flat and reminding myself how marvellous he is. My flat is perfect for me - he is "very me", as everyone points out.
My flat contains everything I need to live: a bed (to sleep in), a bathroom, a kitchen (to cook), PCs and PC accessories (to go online), various music-making machines, books (to read), clothes (to wear), and artist material (for the occasional creative spell). He also contains an inflatable double bed and 2 spare sleeping bags for when I have friends visiting from afar.
What he does not contain are proper chairs, a sofa, a table, a coffee machine, tea bags, or anything else typical of traditional hospitality. "Having people over" would be an awkward, uncomfortable, short affair. This is perfectly fine because I have absolutely no intention of "having people over" in the traditional sense. My flat reflects this. I love my flat.
Your Brain is 53.33% Female, 46.67% Male |
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female. You are both sensitive and savvy. Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed. But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve. |
[longish rambling entry, clicky below]
Continue reading "Twatness"
[see above] This is one of those entries that won't mean much in a few months' time. Aaaanyway I have a Tay layout feat. a selection of my fave Taypics. Mhm. Incl. one with a cigarette (sigh) which is so utterly droolable that I found myself unable to omit it despite my strong smoking aversion.
Continue reading "Gorgeousness (Tay Entry)"
Yessir, it certainly is!
[edit 22:55] Still Monday! I'll be. [/edit]
Wednesday is not Monday.
Continue reading "Bored at work"
Feelings suck, people suck, my life sucks, I suck.
(would you like to suck? or be sucked perhaps?)
How good to know it's all just a chemical imbalance.
*pulls self together* I got my new mp3 player today. Also my MJ flag.
I love TomTay. Now and always. He's marvellous.
Oh and... we're going to NYC. we = daniel + wam.
We are actually going to NYC. Well at least I think so.
But let's not venture back towards suction.
I have booked.
Flight, hotel, MoMA.
21st-27th May.
I am excited.
Apart from that I still hate hate hate.
With very few exceptions.
"back the bid - make britain proud" is what you see all over the place here. Olympic games you see. London wants them. Please spare us I say (tho tbh I doubt I'll even still be here in 2012). NYC is in the bid too apparently. Just read an article about it.
Could someone please explain the point to me? WHY would you wanna put up with the summer olympic games unless you're in the tourism industry or you're a sports freak? Serioulsy... WHY???? ARE YOU ALL MASOCHISTS OR WHAT!?!??! It'll make everyone's life a misery!!! You utter twats!!
*cough* As you can see I am still as moody and negative as ever. Tomorrow it will all be better. Hopefully. If not I will stay in bed until Monday or sth.
We are going to
The day where I will do stuff. As opposed to yesterday, where I did nothing. Well, yesterday I mostly read. I hadn't done that in a while. Reading most of the day I mean. I do read sth or other most days. Yesterday I read some 200 pages of Die Blechtrommel. I also slept a lot, and chatted a little. I spent the whole day in bed, so I didn't have to switch on the heating. That was nice and economical.
Today I may actually spend some day in the big room. I don't do that much. Today I will also go out and do things - like buy slats for my bed, and buy some material, and go to Jareth, and go food-shopping, and perhaps even be creative at some point... I've had some ideas brewing and I am hella jealous of Vega who's been creating lots of fab things again recently. Oh and I'll tidy Darryl.
Before I go I will tell you something embarrassing about the avatar on the left. As everyone can clearly see, it's a beach with two chairs and a parasol. Except I only found this out yesterday. I used to see - and I've seen this avatar quite a bit cuz d used to have it - a blue skirt, yellow apron, tartan socks (the chairs) and, um, blueish-grey shoes. I kid you not. I still see them, tho I can see the beach too now. I used to think what a strange choice of avatar it was.
Sorta interesting tho.
Brilliant, just brilliant!!!!
I've just discovered Gary Brolsma's Numa Numa Dance (story here) - I only read about him recently and was bored tonight so decided to watch the thing... I don't regret it one bit - it's pure genius!!!!!
Check out the irresistible "lifting eyebrow effect" after Ti-am dat beep.
It baffles me that people can (bad enough) film themselves making fools of themselves and then (even worse) put it on their websites - but I have to say this is incredibly catching.
I keep boogying around the flat with my Tommy to this.
Gary is my hero.
PS funnily enough, the song Dragostea Din Tei contains a reference to my surname.