[see above] This is one of those entries that won't mean much in a few months' time. Aaaanyway I have a Tay layout feat. a selection of my fave Taypics. Mhm. Incl. one with a cigarette (sigh) which is so utterly droolable that I found myself unable to omit it despite my strong smoking aversion.
Ok so I've decided to turn this into a Tay marvellousness entry (and I'll try to be a little more elaborate than last time).
So why is Tay marvellous? Let us look beyond the purely superficial ( drooooool... excuse me). So most of my friends who know of my Tay obsession obviously have a problem with his age. He's (as good as) 17 you see. That's young. He's also a guy and as everyone knows men are less mature than women. *lol* They are - this is perfectly valid as a general rule. But of course Tay is an exception to the rule (incidentally we found out last night that his brain his 66% female
). Anyway age is nothing but a fucking number.
So why else is he marvellous and loveable? He's... marvellously trusting. He makes me feel like I don't deserve his trust (and I'm not sure if I do). I would never betray him - but how would he know that? I am naturally suspicious and so are many of my friends. That's the normal way of things for me. So I am baffled how he can... put his trust in me? I am always baffled whenever someone trusts me - not because I am evil & untrustworthy, not at all - just because it reveals a belief in an inherent goodness in people that I don't see myself.
Oh and he's affectionate. Probably linked to the trust thing. Well he is with me. He's so so so so cute. And not complicated. Well not in the interpersonal relationship sector anyway. Ok he is but not with me.
Did that make sense? Didn't think so. Don't care.
He asked me to write about negative things as well so let me mention anorexia, but mention it just once, for balance.
Did I mention he's very smart? OK he likes Apple, but I'm willing to forgive him for that, for he's rather good at being geeky and figuring things out, and not asking stupid questions (before using Google). So ja he's admirable.
And he knows many things that I don't know so he's useful too.
He's also gorgeous (excuse me
). Ja so I mentioned earlier that he's mature? He also communicates well. Well - he talks! He's open and honest. Not about everything, but he doesn't just categorically clam up about everything. That's nice and refreshing.
So Tay's marvellous. This has become far too weird and elaborate an entry already so I will stop now. I don't really care what you think of me for loving him anyway. I don't care, I don't care.
"So most of my friends who know of my Tay obsession obviously have a problem with his age."
Who are most of your friends who know about your Tay obsession?
Posted by: JarJar on Sun February 20, 2005 at 16:45who know of my Tay obsession?
you Lo Jimmy Val Katja L.J. Aniko Kal d Matt even Ann-Louise. most of which have said sth or other about his age
Ah, well I don't have a problem with his age.
Posted by: JarJar on Sun February 20, 2005 at 17:31He's more than 10 years younger than you are! Such a difference in age is really disgusting. *lol*
Posted by: Katja on Sun February 20, 2005 at 17:37 @ Katja.
and he's mine. All mine.
Yep, all yours. and you left him and buggered off to the other fucking end of the world you twat.
Posted by: Wam on Mon February 21, 2005 at 17:19The person I'm 'seeing' is 38... so I caan't say anything heh heh!
oi, twat AKA Squizzle, update your god damn diary, I want to know all about....um.... where ever it is you are again.
New fucking Zealand
lol @ 38. anyway I'm not seeing Tay
Hey, had SquiZ updated his diary, I would have remembered that!
Posted by: Jster Navarro Norton on Wed February 23, 2005 at 14:59Um, squiZZ has updated his diary since he arrived.