I have the Internet at home! Broadband has been activated and it works, it is now MIINE MIIINE MIIIINE!!!!! *muahahaha*
I'm on my lunch break and online, apparently that makes me a sad git but who the fuck cares. I am bloody proud of it!
I am not hating work so much today which is good as I have to go back there in about 2mins time. So yeah. Fully connected. Thought you might like to know. I'd say "I love you all" but today is Valentine's day so I prefer not to.
I am actually here!
So title of this entry works for me too!
Woooo a Deeee
Hello lovely clarissa.
Wanting to say hi, and that I have made good on a promise and started my own blog.
I'd love it if you came and visited.
Oooh I like it!!!