You might know about the rainbow theme of my Darryl... (ahem, everyone who reads this blog will know plenty about it). Anyway. I have in my 'big room' three hooks on the ceiling. I wanted to hang sth from those hooks, just cuz they were there. Today I was in Evolution (the most marvellous shop in town) and found pretty things. I bought, and I hung.
Pretty ja? I know, three hooks, two things. Will find one more.
How about a guinea pig?
Posted by: Anon on Wed February 16, 2005 at 22:57
They're not rainbow-coloured tho.
And you're not anon to me.
I know, on both counts...
Darryl gets cuter and cuter.
Ahh Evolution... I was in that shop in Brighton. I loved some of the things in it. I remember thinking I must buy some things in there for whenever I get a flat.
Never happened tho.. pffff
Posted by: Woods on Sat February 19, 2005 at 9:52