The day where I will do stuff. As opposed to yesterday, where I did nothing. Well, yesterday I mostly read. I hadn't done that in a while. Reading most of the day I mean. I do read sth or other most days. Yesterday I read some 200 pages of Die Blechtrommel. I also slept a lot, and chatted a little. I spent the whole day in bed, so I didn't have to switch on the heating. That was nice and economical.
Today I may actually spend some day in the big room. I don't do that much. Today I will also go out and do things - like buy slats for my bed, and buy some material, and go to Jareth, and go food-shopping, and perhaps even be creative at some point... I've had some ideas brewing and I am hella jealous of Vega who's been creating lots of fab things again recently. Oh and I'll tidy Darryl.
Before I go I will tell you something embarrassing about the avatar on the left. As everyone can clearly see, it's a beach with two chairs and a parasol. Except I only found this out yesterday. I used to see - and I've seen this avatar quite a bit cuz d used to have it - a blue skirt, yellow apron, tartan socks (the chairs) and, um, blueish-grey shoes. I kid you not. I still see them, tho I can see the beach too now. I used to think what a strange choice of avatar it was.
Sorta interesting tho.
u freak.
Posted by: shazia on Sun February 27, 2005 at 19:59
Tartan socks and yellow apron is such a fashion no-no. Shame on your taste Wam!
Posted by: Mel on Mon February 28, 2005 at 14:17squiZZnts eyes* Ohhh yeeeeahhhh....
er, that was * s q u i n t s eyes*....
Posted by: Woods on Tue March 1, 2005 at 11:26 that's funny
I'm glad you can SEE it tho Sinead!
Can! But not if I didn't read this first.
No that's just for freaks.
PS I still see it.