Hello how are you? I am on a plane. These plane tables are not very convenient for Tommies so I have my Tommy on my lap. He is a laptop after all. Well ok he is a notebook but you know what I mean. I am not online. No WiFi on planes yet. That would be neat. One day no doubt. Unless that interferes with their electronics too? Ok well wired LAN is fine with me. Little cables coming out of the armrests. How fun!
I have realised sth today. You know I love to travel. I love seeing places, and there are/were many new & old places on my "to do" list. But I also love to see my friends. Well some in particular. And I have only 20 days holidays a year so I can't do it all.
Well, what I've realised is that I wanna see my friends much more than I wanna see New Orleans or Hong Kong or wherever. Visiting cathedrals and museums, however much I like it, will never make me as happy as lying on my Mon's couch with a little hairless dog watching a crappy US reality show, or curling up on my PetŪ's bed reading his suicide books.
So rather than worrying about how to fit exotic places into my schedule I should and will just reserve all my holidays for my friends. And tbh in the past few years almost all my holidays were spent visiting friends. And I don't feel like I've missed out on a single thing. (the only place I actually have a physical need to see on a regular basis is Paris)
And I know people find it weird that I go to a foreign country and spend the whole time at home with someone, but if that's what I like doing, then screw you all, I'll do it. This still does not solve my problem of having friends living far away and not seeing them often enough, but it makes it easier cuz it means I can see them more often (even if still not often enough).
Something else. I was wondering earlier about... well fate is not the correct term. The way things work and certain things lead to certain other things. For instance: most of my close friends today are MJ fans. So I sort of "owe" them to MJ. I have said this before, and how grateful I am. Also, a lot of my close friends today I got to know, or got interested in, through squiZZ. I have said this to him in the past, but not on here I think. Mon Lo d Tay Matty Mark are all people I wouldn't be friends with if it weren't for squiZZ.
Now I don't mind owing friends to MJ or squiZZ cuz I love them both. Another example. A lot, in fact almost all my Lux friends I know through the Riding School people. I hate them. Still my life would be very very different if it weren't for them (in countless ways but let's just talk about friends here). Okay. A more extreme example. I may not be friends with BML Me if it weren't for Osama Bin Laden. I only really got to know her after 9/11 (you know we met in NYC right).
So out of bad comes good. And out of seemingly trivial occurrences comes a long and lasting friendship. Or a life-changing decision. Yet another example: when I decided to study in the UK I was in love with London. So I applied to 5 London universities. I had one spot left on my UCAS fom so I chose Sussex Uni cuz I'd been to Brighton with Martine for 2 days the previous summer and had kinda liked it.
I ended up going to Sussex for various reasons. Had I not, I wouldn't live in Brighton now. I wouldn't work for Amex. I wouldn't know Kate, Chris, Joanne. I wouldn't have lived in Paris for a year. (and I wouldn't have bought my horse!) I might have decided I hated the UK (after all I do hate London now) & never moved back. My whole life would have been completely different. Isn't that scary? And all because of a week-end spent in Brighton almost ten years ago.
Hm no in case you're wondering, I don't have a point. Well none other than "life is a strange thing". And I miss Mon and squiZZ. I have more depressing thoughts I could share but I'll spare you those. Isn't it funny how it always seems to be strangers on trains, buses and planes that see me cry these days.
I WROTE " Do you know what it feels like for a rock?"!!!
Posted by: KAL on Wed February 2, 2005 at 4:28I love you. And I don't want real "life again".
Oops that was me.
I just thought "uh??? I don't remember posting that"
You're very cute!
And I think you owe nothing to Osama
Maybe you can multitask. Convince Mon Mon
that the plane is not so scary and we can
all go to New Orleans.
I want to go to Tokyo and Paris.
You are MINE!
Posted by: jimmy on Wed February 2, 2005 at 14:09I want a Tommy!!!
And I want to write one of these "linky" entries.... someday!
Maybe Mon isn't interested in New Orleans?
Um Mel it would be nice if you wrote any entry some day.
True Wam Wam!
How was work?
Posted by: jimmy on Wed February 2, 2005 at 18:39very very very very very boring
so I did lots of emailing.
also distinctly monless.
but that's ok cuz d said he will bring me the mon!