Brilliant, just brilliant!!!!
I've just discovered Gary Brolsma's Numa Numa Dance (story here) - I only read about him recently and was bored tonight so decided to watch the thing... I don't regret it one bit - it's pure genius!!!!!
Check out the irresistible "lifting eyebrow effect" after Ti-am dat beep.
It baffles me that people can (bad enough) film themselves making fools of themselves and then (even worse) put it on their websites - but I have to say this is incredibly catching.
I keep boogying around the flat with my Tommy to this.
Gary is my hero.
PS funnily enough, the song Dragostea Din Tei contains a reference to my surname.
You havent missed DJ Rotti ( doing that song, have you? Its in the videos, Rotti vs.Haiducii is the one. The end is priceless. Beats this guy with LENGTHS! I tell ya...
Posted by: Vega on Tue March 1, 2005 at 0:46I'll have a look when I get home.
[edit] um no sorry, I don't like this guy at all. Gary is faaaar better[/edit]
Posted by: Wam on Tue March 1, 2005 at 9:22hehehe!! what would anyone wanna embarass themself like that?! I actually luv that song *blushes* so catchy, dunno what the hells it means but still like the sound of it.
Posted by: shazia on Wed March 2, 2005 at 16:10aye hehe
(will mail you hehe)
Posted by: Clarissa on Wed March 2, 2005 at 17:00that guy is awesome... I wish I knew his e-mail so I could thank him... For giving me entertainment abroad. GO GARY!
Posted by: Joshua on Mon March 7, 2005 at 3:55