Posted on September 30th, 2014 @ 19:45 in
Okay. Here’s a piece – a few pieces actually – I wrote for Geo-Writing, which was part of the Brighton Digital Festival. It’s a great idea – you get a prompt based on your location (most are in Brighton, but there are world-wide ones too), then write up to 300 words around it. I ended up grabbing a bunch of prompts, going west to east from West Street to the hospital, and writing a continuous story with them. Some prompts worked better than others, but I managed to get them all in. More »
Posted on September 8th, 2014 @ 19:55 in
So I had an interesting experience today, an epiphany of sorts. I was on a run along Castle Hill, one of my favourite part of the Downs, and I was listening to the latest episode of This American Life, specifically Act 3 about a young woman’s rather unusual life plans. If you want to listen to the episode, I recommend you don’t read on just yet but get yourself somewhere pretty and natury. Or somewhere urban if you prefer. But don’t listen to it at home, sitting at your computer. Nor in a coffee shop. Go outside. Then come back and tell me about it! More »
Posted on July 28th, 2014 @ 23:45 in
The Clarissa Travelogue continues… tho this will be a short one. You’ll find photos here, and special Cimitero del Verano set here. But do read on! More »
Posted on June 26th, 2014 @ 23:06 in
So I don’t really have to log these here anymore as I log them in my journal app, but somehow the blag would be incomplete without them. Even as I try to declutter my real life, my hoarding instinct survives online. =)) More »
Posted on June 2nd, 2014 @ 11:42 in
A lot of pretty disparate thoughts and I’m not sure if they’ll make a good blag post, but since I’ve not written in here in a while I’ll give it a try.
Like yesterday for instance. I can’t even remember what specifically set me off but I was walking down the street and saw something “British blabla” and thought “ugh”. (It was some ad in the form of “buy this cuz it was made in Britain / made for British people”.) And for some reason I then remembered how as a kid or teenager I used to love Britain so much and dream of living here, at that time thinking of course that it would never happen. And this made me sad – that I no longer have that enthusiasm and wonder for the country I chose. I should perhaps attempt to see more of the positive, and less of the negative, and if anything, try to help change the country into what I’d want it to be. Because having looked around in my re-emigration search, I’ve come to the conclusion that there really isn’t much better around anyway. Scandinavia, that’s it. But they’re even colder than here. Most days anyway.
Bloody people tho. People in general. Humans. I don’t feel much love for them these days. I’ve given quite a bit of thought to the mess we’re making of the planet – pollution, climate change, overfishing, destroying the Amazon, big agri business, non-sustainability… I mean all it basically is people not thinking beyond the immediate future. “Why should I, now, have to make sacrifices for some hypothetical long term benefit I may not even get to experience.” And also: “Why should I, rather than someone else, make sacrifices…” Some people say it quite openly, but most cloak it in denial and just stick their heads in the sand. Once you start thinking about these issues – about what we have done to the planet – you see more and more examples everywhere and you just get disgusted. It’s also so hopeless. We’re basically a force of evil and destruction. The greed! It’s just horrible.
This entry is now over a month old again and I never finished / posted it, so I’ll just put it online as is cuz it’s kinda embarrassing that I never update this anymore. Maybe I should just stop doing that altogether. But, but… my blag 🙁
Posted on March 19th, 2014 @ 18:29 in
So I talk a lot about my running to pretty much everyone who’ll listen (and those unwise enough to ask). I haven’t really talked about it much on here, and I think I should probably have a record of it so I can look back in 2019 and go “oh yeah, that was what it was like to be fit and healthy.” :)) Nooo, of course I’ll now be fit and healthy foreverrrr! Well, we’ll see. More »
Posted on February 14th, 2014 @ 18:09 in
Whenever I have deep thoughts they tend to evaporate before I make it to WordPress. Maybe that’s a good thing – most people don’t care and my thoughts are probably no deeper than anyone else’s. Instead, let me lay out my spring and summer for you… and also for myself, cuz I think I haven’t really made a list yet. I like lists. More »
Posted on January 12th, 2014 @ 15:28 in
SO! Today is officially my 10 year anniversary of immigrating to the UK! (first post) I was very excited to be back here. It’s kinda cute how excited I was. My view now is slightly less rose-tinted, tho I definitely do still love Brighton. Brighton is wonderful.
And I’ll leave it at that. 😀
Posted on December 19th, 2013 @ 23:22 in
It’s that time of year again! More »
Posted on December 17th, 2013 @ 14:06 in
Haha, this makes it sound nice and pompous, like I spent months on the road, rather than just a few days in the Netherlands and Paris each. But it did feel special cuz it wasn’t just Paris, and actually staying in Holland was quite emotional cuz it’s so very recognisable as European. So non-British. I miss Europe (but that doesn’t mean I will move back for sure. Maybe visit more to start with tho). More »