OMG Live is Life!!!

Posted on April 26th, 2008 @ 10:39 in Uncategorized

Not heard this in 15 or so years. :))
If you don’t remember this you’re too young, not European, or you just plain suck! 😀


SHIT, Pennsylvania!

Posted on April 22nd, 2008 @ 21:57 in Uncategorized

Last time I seriously thought about the US primaries seems… ages ago now! Well back then it seemed that PA was ages to go anyway. And now it… apparently is… now!?

God how time flies. And I guess this is as good a place as any to express my current utter disgust with Hillary “I’d rather jeopardize any Democratic chances than lose” Clinton. May she rot in hell life. Yeah. May she just rot.

Of course (in my usual cynical and misanthropic fashion) I can’t help but extend this feeling to the whole US presidential campaign (after all one may argue that the only reason Obama hasn’t stooped this low (yet) is cuz of the way the campaign has been spun so far – on both sides! and I mean both democratic sides of course).

And one may – if one were feeling particularly jaded – extrapolate this even further to politics in general, and ultimately to all of humanity. Not something I would naturally do of course. At all. I love people. Soylent Green is… oh. Well, not much loss! 😀

Can’t wait for the results tomorrow. No, honest.


Happy Birthday Sara!!!

Posted on April 20th, 2008 @ 10:35 in Uncategorized

Soooo I made Sara something… originally I wasn’t gonna post this until she actually got them but seeing as today is her birthday aaand she won’t get them for a while I figured I could turn it into a birthday entry, so she’d get to see them at least. 🙂 More »


New WP theme!!!! (thanks and instructions)

Posted on April 19th, 2008 @ 10:51 in Uncategorized

I know I know, a good theme shouldn’t need instructions and this one doesn’t really, either, but just a few notes maybe. And a few acknowledgments. *hehe* More »


L. Ron effin’ Hubbard!!!

Posted on April 18th, 2008 @ 21:33 in Uncategorized

You know, that’s the Co$ version of “Jesus effin’ Christ.”

I’m probably a bit late to this (I blame work busy-ness) but the defection of Jason Beghe from the Co$ is a big  thing. It’s also intriguing to myself insofar as I’d always imagined celebs got a very different treatment from “common victims” because of the huge PR value they have. From what he says it appears that to a large degree they do not.

Which begs the question – how dumb are these people!? How fucking easy is it to manipulate some gullible idiot into believing any old shit!? Re: this FOXnews article on how recruitment in Hollywood works (yes I know it’s Roger Friedbrain).

Of course we could argue (“devil’s” advocate – in a fashion lol) that the only reason the judaeo-christian version of the world’s Inception is deemed more acceptable is because it’s been around for so fucking long.

But we’re not going there now. That is a whooole other story. Right now I’m just hoping this latest development will damage Scientology somewhat. Maybe, hopefully, even a lot. But I’m not keeping my hopes up.

Because, guess what, people are idiots! 😀 (and I’m not cynical in the least)


Castro Death game is ALIVE!! (excuse the pun)

Posted on April 17th, 2008 @ 21:39 in Uncategorized

Most of you will remember this… I thought I’d lost the comments and thus made it useless, but during the latest WordPress upgrade they magically reappeared! (seriously!) So check it out chums –> the Castro Death Game!!

Almost everyone is still in the running… the plot thickens… I don’t know if we can bear the suspense! (comments are open again for now)


I am quite impressed…

Posted on April 13th, 2008 @ 22:34 in Uncategorized

… with iGor’s latest Usage Statistics:
– 10 hours usage
– 4 days, 5 hours standby
Woo! He’s getting better and better! :]
*switching off Apple fangirl mode*
Right so there have been demands for updates.
Ok, there has been one demand for an update. More »



Posted on April 9th, 2008 @ 22:02 in Uncategorized

The Dangers of being a TV News reporter (Gawker, video).


Protected: And this is what (else) has been going down

Posted on April 7th, 2008 @ 00:45 in Uncategorized

This content is password protected. To view it please enter your password below:



Posted on April 6th, 2008 @ 15:45 in Uncategorized

Seriously I’ve never seen this before, we barely get snow at all here and this is definitely the most I’ve ever seen – I’d even say it’s the first time I’ve properly seen snow settle – well anyway it was fucking cool!!! (well I guess it still is but I’m inside)

So because I have to dash to get to the Poundshop before it closes, you can check out my first Flickr set ever! (dunno yet if I’ll keep using Flickr.. we shall see)

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