Posted on April 5th, 2008 @ 11:26 in Uncategorized

Ok so I’ve decided to buy a James Rizzi work and the gallery guy will meet him next week so he (James Rizzi, not the gallery guy) can write a dedication on the passepartout (frame). But I have to come up with what he should write! A “short sentence.” I SUCK AT THESE THINGS! So you have to help me. ;;)

[UPDATE] What do you guys think of “We love NYC”?


For the Bible tells me so

Posted on April 2nd, 2008 @ 21:50 in Uncategorized

I’ve just finished watching that documentary (which I downloaded cuz I couldn’t help myself) and it wasn’t quite what I expected. I thought I’d watch it feeling outraged and angry all the way through – but I actually cried throughout most of it. *heh*

It has an interesting approach – tho I’m not sure what its purpose is. [spoilers ahead if you are planning to watch it] More »


Anonymous vs Co$

Posted on March 30th, 2008 @ 23:48 in Uncategorized

That Anonymous vs Co$ war (previously) is becoming more and more bizarre. (I don’t think I really believe the Co$ is behind this. it’s just too… random. probably some bored script kiddies. but then again – the Co$ would be crazy enough lol.)

Oh and btw read Rick Astley on the phenomenon of rickrolling – he doesn’t say anything deep but it’s kinda cool.

I’m back with new Windows btw. Still need more RAM tho so will get to that next.
I’m also back from Southampton where I had a good time and bought a number of things. And now I’m off to bed.



OMG catssss!!!!

Posted on March 29th, 2008 @ 11:04 in Uncategorized

Doorbell rings… turns out to be a guy asking me if I’ve seen their b/w cat… me: “no but I’m top floor” – him “yes but so are we” – oooh!!! Tell guy I’ll let him know if I come across it.

Of course I didn’t even have my window open but now I have. :)) “Cooome kitty kitty kitty!!!” :wh

Buuut this means other people are doing what I have considered doing! 😀 I CAN GET A CAT!!! 😡 😀


Oh God

Posted on March 24th, 2008 @ 18:07 in Uncategorized

It’s an ugly world outside, despite the (temporarily) blue sky. More »


A glimpse of Vlad

Posted on March 24th, 2008 @ 14:49 in Uncategorized

Please step into this entry to see numerous colourful things. More »


The No1 Ladies’ Detective Agency – a review

Posted on March 23rd, 2008 @ 23:09 in Uncategorized

Well not really a review. I started sorting through my paperwork while watching Celebrity Wife Swap with Sinitta and Bruce-something-or-other from Corrie, and then I was gonna go on sorting while watching The No1… but got too sucked into it so had to stop sorting and just keep watching. More »


I haz a Twitter!

Posted on March 21st, 2008 @ 12:18 in Uncategorized

Anyone else? I need people to follow! Me here.

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Protected: LMFAO the poor guy!

Posted on March 21st, 2008 @ 11:41 in Uncategorized

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Paris report March 08

Posted on March 19th, 2008 @ 20:58 in Uncategorized

This will be pretty short. Feel free to ignore (of course). More »

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