Happy Birthday Sara!!!
Posted on April 20th, 2008 @ 10:35 in Uncategorized
Soooo I made Sara something… originally I wasn’t gonna post this until she actually got them but seeing as today is her birthday aaand she won’t get them for a while I figured I could turn it into a birthday entry, so she’d get to see them at least. 🙂

(click on the pics for big (Flickr) version)
As you can see, they are matryoshkas, and I painted them with some of her fave horror characters (as best I could).
Ltr: Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Dracula (representing vampires all over), Jack Skellington and, um, the Scream guy (does he have a name?).

Proof that you can actually open them. 😛

And the whole line up again. 🙂
Ja so Sara I hope you like them. ;;) I will send them soon! 😀 (I just need to put some finish on them 😛 )
Happy birthday to Sara 🙂
AWWWWwwww!!!!!!!!!! I LOVE THOSE!!! 😀
(ps: The scream dude is known as ‘Ghostface’)
And that’s so nice of you to make them!
I just really hope you get those drawings soon. The way it’s taking so long – I’m worried I filled in the address wrong or something! 🙁
Heeheeeheee glad you like! 😀
And ja I’m slightly worried about the drawings too tho mail from the US can take longer sometimes. Hope they didn’t get lost! :((
your category thing doesn’t look so good on wii internet. and i must use wii internet because smoke came out of cable and laptop dead. 😕
Wow @ smoking cable.
And sorry my site is not optimized for Wiibrowser lol.