Rizzidrooling!!! (and other stuff)

Posted on April 30th, 2008 @ 00:38 in Uncategorized

Yeah so as some of you may have gathered I got my Rizzi-work today. OMGBBQ? OMGBBQ indeed! :)) Pics are de rigueur.

I haz James Rizzi!
Yes I’m excited. Yes I look stupid. You should’ve seen the other pics.

I haz James Rizzi!
Close up of its breathtaking beauty. All mine! *muahahaha*

You can see a bigger resolution of the close up at http://myowndamn.biz/wp/pix/[protectedentriespassword]rizzi.jpg (didn’t want that available to just anyone so they can, I dunno, print it and pretend they own a Rizzi or summat lol).

Yeah and while I’m here I might as well write some more to shut the whingers up. So last weekend I got my new bed. Ugh ok I was gonna link to it there but apparently Argos are “temporarily closed”. Actually I have various pics of that bed adventure too I believe. Not many. Anyway here goes.

byebye Saradolls

Ok first off here’s a final pic of Sara’s dolls after they had sealer put on, and before they were sent on their way to Pennsylvania. 🙂

Bed story

Old bed. Two tools I didn’t use much at all. I ended up… well I unscrewed all screws I could get my hands electric screwdriver on, and then I just jumped around on the remains of the bed. Then I put everything in the hallway, where it’s still waiting to be disposed of… *ahem*

Bed story
Empty room! The green! The yellow!

Bed story
New bed straight out of a box.

Bed story
Then I went for a walk! 😀

Bed story

New bed. Turns out it didn’t fit the other way. Well it would’ve fit, but there was no way I could get the screws in that way round. And I also can’t turn it round cuz it’s too high (we lifted the old one and rotated when it was diagonal… does that make sense? anyway won’t work with this one. have considered sawing off the headboard which I don’t much like anyway, but even then it might be too high)

I don’t much mind it this way round anyway. And oooh all the stuff I can fit under there! 😀 So my lounge is finally tidy! Well it was for a short while, now it has a drying thingo in it and an empty Rizzipaintingbox. And my tools still of course.

Oh and I also put up my mirror finally. The screws are a bit wonky cuz my drilling sucks but hey, I did it! All the same I’ve decided to just hire some “no job too small” guy to do the rest of the small things in the flat or they’ll never get done. Also need to buy a desk. In fact I was gonna do that today, but it appears I didn’t. Tomorrow then.

Tomorrow I should also get prints of Vegaphotos which I ordered online. Then I shall take those and Saradrawings to framing place to find suitable frames. Then I can put all my art up! 😀 Oh and Jana finally has Eva’s sewing machine so my curtains should be done soon too. Things are moving on… slowly but steadily.

I should go to bed. Work at 7 again tomorrow. I could complain about work. But I won’t! :]


Katja said on May 1, 2008 at 4:15 pm

Ytte wes a mirke an dreiry cave,
Weet scroggis owr ytte creepe.
Gurgles withyn yee flowan wave
Throw channel braid an deep

Never withyn that dreir recesse
Wes sene ye lyghte of daye,
Quhat bode azont yts mirkinesse
Nane kend an nane mote saye.

Clarissa said on May 1, 2008 at 4:37 pm


Gre hyr harl klop! Er gren druffe [-X

(translation: but that kinda make sense! and is stolen [-X )

Katja said on May 1, 2008 at 4:49 pm

It’s not stolen, it’s a homage. 😀

Clarissa said on May 1, 2008 at 4:56 pm

Magisterarbeit X(

Katja said on May 1, 2008 at 5:00 pm

Jaja. Magisterarbeit, Maschissterarbeit…

Clarissa said on May 1, 2008 at 5:09 pm



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