Happy Birthday to my Blag!
Yes, it’s 9 years old today! Crazy stuff uh? Next year’s gonna be the big one! We will celebrate through the night, and… yeah ok we won’t do anything at all.
I don’t have anything of substance to write, but if you want you can read old entries from around this time of year:
First entry ever – 2002
About our network at uni. *lol* That loads distressingly slowly btw because it waits for ages for the Enetations script to load. I could remove it from all those pages, but oh the effort. 😐
[skipping 2003 cuz boring and also slow, but feel free to have a look at February]
Bang and Blame – 2004
About accidents and scapegoats. Aah, my old Opinionated category, hehe. I did update on the 24th too, but that was just a boring “Happy Birthday” entry.
Random questionnaire – 2005
That’s was also around the time daniel and I booked our trip to New York.
I am Penguin – 2006
Post-squiZZ-visit. I was very boysobsessed.
Birthday Party – 2007
Not for this blog, but for L.J. whose birthday is also the 24th! Some pics of Daniel, Mel, L.J. and myself.
New flat!!! – 2008
This even has a video if you can be bothered to download it. And pics again.
I can also offer advice: write more thank you letters.
Random recommendations – 2009
Of things I had just discovered. Can’t believe I’ve known of lovely Lucy Knisley for two years already! Time flies.
B is for… – 2010
Ah, my very short-lived alphabet project. This is actually 23rd, but 24th was “C is for Cunt” so I’ll spare you that. :))
Happy Blorthday!!!!!
Not sure that quite works…
PS. Not impressed you do a ‘happy birthday to my blog’ entry on Feb 24th yet no mention of any OTHER person whose birthday is on that day. HURT doesn’t come close.
You started your blog on my birthday! It’s a sign. God knows what of, but it is.
I did too mention it, in the comment on the 2007 entry, which actually WAS about your birthday. Besides I’ve done a number of “Happy Birthday to both” entries and then everyone only wishes YOU a happy birthday in the comments and forgets about the blog entirely :no :))
Oh happy belated birthday to your Blag :p
Thank you 😀 (says the blag)
Lol have you??? Ah. Well then.