Flat video update…
Posted on February 24th, 2008 @ 23:04 in Uncategorized
… and shit?
Ok so Youtube is being an arse which means I’ve had to upload my very latest video old styleee again – seriously, this is an outrage!! FIX THE INTERNET NOW!!!
Anyway you can download the 6.70MB, 3:16min .wmv. By clicking on that link just there. Down below you will find some photographs as well.
Personally I’d prefer it if you watched the video first then viewed the photographs, but of course this is out of my control. But please do humour me, yes. Thank you.
Ok. Once you have watched the video you may venture down there.

Yellow bedroom, green hallway, dark blue bathroom. 😀

Yay, greenness of hallway with matching lampshade.

Seriously cool cushions. In case you’d missed this so far. I love Brighton. 😛
Will come back to watch video, had to sin and look at piccies only first. :p
Watched video now. Thank you for the flat update, exciting! 😀 But whyyyyy did we have to watch it first?
Becaaauuuuuuse, as I said to Mon…
Wam: cuz pics is supposed to just underline the bits that arent clear in the video (cuz of lighting)
Wam: everyone looks at the pics first anyway
Wam: but then the video is less fun cuz you’ve already seen the most important bits 😐
I watched the video first ;;)
Pretty colours!
But, but, but…….. IT WAS FUN anyway. 🙁
Good girl Lo! 😀 (Mon did too in the end)
:)) ok @ Michelle. 😛
The colours you’ve picked are lovely, especially the bedroom, nice and bright.
The green hallway looks nicer in the pic than it does in the video, it must be the lighting.
LMAO, your giggle at the end of the vid was the cutest!
:)) 😀
Boooo… my work comp blocked me from viewing the video “Forbidden Pages blah blah nudity/profanity etc. etc. ” (wtf?). Annoying, my home comp doesn’t work so I was relying on my work comp.
But I like the yellow bedroom! 😀