this could get long, or break off at any moment cuz I should be in bed.
Continue reading "Helloooooo...."
What to do with them damnit, what to do?????????
Maybe I'll put the SexGod site back up, but what about the other one?
Ah if only I wasn't so uninspired and lazy. (come on!! inspire me!!!!!)
I just do NOT like it. But that is of no relevance.
I have a Katja and a Tobias. First and foremost they have each other of course, but currently I have them. Here. Well, in the other room or the bathroom right now, but you know what I mean.
I am waiting for them to get ready or whatever it is that they are doing, because I cannot do anything without access to the other room, which is where all my clothes are etc. *lol*
Outside it is noisy, for Pride has just started. It starts on Madeira Drive, which is very unfar from here. Which is why I/we can hear it. Hopefully we'll be off for a glimpse at the parade soon(ish)... and then we'll do other stuff, as today is Tobias' birthday, and he is not too keen on the whole Pride thing. Luckily it is not raining, nor is it windy. Last year it was scorching, which wasn't ideal. Slightly overcast suits me fine.
What else is there... hopefully tonight we'll be off to drool over Willy Wonka yet again (well I will do the drooling mostly - hopefully I can convince Katja of his droolworthiness). Oh and earlier today I was graced with numerous squiZZpics - that too an object of much drooling (the pics and the corresponding squiZZ).
My Mon should be back with us shortly (us online people, not us as in Tobias, Katja and I). So really all is great. Except for the missing Tommy of course, but he too shall return eventually. Tho how fun would it be if he could be here with meeeeee for Pride... aaanyway. Such was my entry. Shall I take a camera? The battery's probably flat.
Like this one:
Continue reading "MyBoys are pretty"
[to the tune of My Bunny is over the ocean]
My Germans are leaving tomorrow
My Germans are leaving earlyyyy
my Germans are leaving tomorrow
Let me keep my Germans with me!
Let me, let me
Let me keep my Germans with me, with me
Let me, let me
Let me keep my Germans with meeee.
d: have you updated?
Wam: no, why? should I?
d: definitely!
Wam: but about what?
d: aaanything
d: or post some lyrics
... I get up to weird stuff.
Continue reading "When I get so bored..."
Paris gets rid of Tinkerbell cuz she's too fat
Now I know I don't like dogs, and especially not Chihuahuas, cuz they're bloated overbred rats that only spark the interest of, well, superficial fashion-crazed bimbos like Hilton.
And I know I don't usually care about this sort of rubbish tabloid news either - and certainly don't tend to comment on it. But because some of my friends seem to worship this particular bimbo for some obscure reason (and therefore I have perhaps been trying to find something to justify that reverence) I found myself reading the article.
And I can now safely say that whatever respect I had left for her (because she seemed to market herself well, and make money out of nothing other than being pretty, blonde and having a rich father - which after all deserves some sort of recognition) has completely vanished.
Because this proves that she doesn't pretend to be a stupid brainless bimbo to exploit the stupidity of the world and make lots of money, she actually is one. It just happens to make her lots of money all the same. Through no merit of her own whatsoever.
Just so Paris Hilton isn't top entry anymore...
I love Monica.
I love Jasper Fforde.
I love Katja and Tobias.
I love my squi's Tommy.
I love my James' Ann-Louise.
I love Vega.
I love the sea.
I love gherkins.
I love Willy Wonka.
Ok I will stop now. My weekend was... mildly productive. The usual (laundry, washing up), some shopping (green velvet shirt @ £2.50 from charity shop, wheee), lots of reading (Jasper Fforde, Paul Auster, magazines) and a tiny bit of creativity (cannot yet be divulged). Oh and sleep. Sleep always good. And some phoning and texting and chatting and lying-on-the-beach. [endofweekendbacktowork]
So I thought I would blog about it. I met her outside Borders and we basically got take-away from Wimpy's and sat on the beach eating and chatting, then chatting without eating. And she showed me a lot of her cool drawings! It was very fun! Vega is very sweet. I have a picture of her, look:
She's cute right? Oooh and guess what she gave me???? THIS!!!!
OK I have to explain: Vega makes ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) and she tried to get me to make some too... and I said I'll give it a go and if we trade I want that cute unicorn, and she said ok I'll reserve it for you. But because I'm a lazy uninspired cow, I never actually made/finished any. But she brought me the unicorn all the same!!
She will be back in a little more than 2 weeks, wheeee, so then we will meet again! And do more chatting and possibly eating.
PS Oh and here's a nice-ish sunset:
He's the most gorgeous guy in the world.
And he can put a smile on my face when I feel like shit.
And for that I love him.
(well I love him anyway)
The most exciting news first: I have my Launch back!! It was stupid of me not to think of this earlier - rather than running it on Messenger, I just sign in on the site with my BT ID (the one that has paid Launch access) and listen to my normal ID's station. I get high audio quality and the whole shebang. I can't rate songs this way but my station is perfect as is anyway.
Some say I have too much time on my hands...
Continue reading "MiniTayShirt!!!"
... and turns out he was a con.
How disappointing.
Tho interestingly fucked up in its own way I guess. *lol*
There's nothing like booking a holiday to relieve a bout of depression.
Oct 14th 9.35 - 12.15 London Stansted - Altenburg
Oct 19th 21.50 - 22.10 Cologne/Bonn - London Gatwick
(this translates as: visiting Michelle in Leipzig Friday - Sunday, then travelling back from East Germany to Mainz with Katja and spending another 3 days with K&T, incl. a reading by Robert Gernhardt on Tuesday. )
It seems most people don't know this!? Apparently I didn't tell anyone - well anyway, I am going to Paris this (bank holiday) weekend, with my mum. Well, I am going on my own, but meeting my mum there.
Was gonna make this a longer entry but can't be arsed.
This was the title of a project I embarked on a while back - it was gonnna be a long list of links & references to wonderful things that make the Web the amazing place that it is... it remained unfinished (unsurprisingly).
Continue reading "Why I love the Internet"
Yeah so it's time to write about my stay in Paris, even tho I am very very tired and will be off to bed soon. As you should be aware from previous Paris entries, these are partly/mostly for my own records (and my mum's) so may be boring to you - but I don't care. *lol*
Continue reading "The Paris Entry"
Ja so this is a little add-on to the Paris entry below...
Continue reading "Sleeping Gatwick"