This was the title of a project I embarked on a while back - it was gonnna be a long list of links & references to wonderful things that make the Web the amazing place that it is... it remained unfinished (unsurprisingly).
But let me recycle the title to point out one recent phenomenon that perfectly exemplifies what is so great about the dynamics of the Internet: the Flying Spaghetti Monster. By now everyone has probably heard about it - a parody religion thought up to challenge the decision of the Kansas school board to allow Creationism to be taught in their schools along with Evolution.
You've gotta love the whole thing! (well I do) Some guy pokes fun at what is actually quite a tragic & shocking development by creating a hilarious theory & presenting it online... and more and more people pick up on it, blogs report on it, dictionary entries are created on it, a whole Cult is based around it, and so on and so forth. The pointlessness of it all is what makes it so brilliant, and what makes me love the Internet.
PS If you have never heard about the Flying Spaghetti Monster (or want to know more about it), here are some links to get you started...
- where it all started
- Uncyclopedia entry
- Wikipedia entry
- Latest entry on BoingBoing (with links to all previous references)
"This mug holds coffee AND pisses off Jesus."...
WOO-HOO! I'll take two!
I think you will be very interested to read this:,1518,371709,00.html
A long background story on the life of the piano man.
Posted by: Anne on Mon August 29, 2005 at 14:13