So I thought I would blog about it. I met her outside Borders and we basically got take-away from Wimpy's and sat on the beach eating and chatting, then chatting without eating. And she showed me a lot of her cool drawings! It was very fun! Vega is very sweet. I have a picture of her, look:
She's cute right? Oooh and guess what she gave me???? THIS!!!!
OK I have to explain: Vega makes ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) and she tried to get me to make some too... and I said I'll give it a go and if we trade I want that cute unicorn, and she said ok I'll reserve it for you. But because I'm a lazy uninspired cow, I never actually made/finished any. But she brought me the unicorn all the same!!
She will be back in a little more than 2 weeks, wheeee, so then we will meet again! And do more chatting and possibly eating.
PS Oh and here's a nice-ish sunset:
Hmmmm. OK so when's she back? WILL meet her then.
Posted by: The BML on Wed August 17, 2005 at 12:23Suuuure. lol
Posted by: Clarissa on Wed August 17, 2005 at 12:27I will! When is it?
Posted by: The BML on Wed August 17, 2005 at 13:48dunno yet. she's here 1st half of Sept.
Posted by: Clarissa on Wed August 17, 2005 at 15:03A Vega entry! *feeling special*
I will travel to Btn on August 30 or 31 (cant remember) and I will be going back home on the 13th. So... two weeks that is!
Posted by: Vega on Thu August 18, 2005 at 17:49You are special!