I just do NOT like it. But that is of no relevance.
I have a Katja and a Tobias. First and foremost they have each other of course, but currently I have them. Here. Well, in the other room or the bathroom right now, but you know what I mean.
I am waiting for them to get ready or whatever it is that they are doing, because I cannot do anything without access to the other room, which is where all my clothes are etc. *lol*
Outside it is noisy, for Pride has just started. It starts on Madeira Drive, which is very unfar from here. Which is why I/we can hear it. Hopefully we'll be off for a glimpse at the parade soon(ish)... and then we'll do other stuff, as today is Tobias' birthday, and he is not too keen on the whole Pride thing. Luckily it is not raining, nor is it windy. Last year it was scorching, which wasn't ideal. Slightly overcast suits me fine.
What else is there... hopefully tonight we'll be off to drool over Willy Wonka yet again (well I will do the drooling mostly - hopefully I can convince Katja of his droolworthiness). Oh and earlier today I was graced with numerous squiZZpics - that too an object of much drooling (the pics and the corresponding squiZZ).
My Mon should be back with us shortly (us online people, not us as in Tobias, Katja and I). So really all is great. Except for the missing Tommy of course, but he too shall return eventually. Tho how fun would it be if he could be here with meeeeee for Pride... aaanyway. Such was my entry. Shall I take a camera? The battery's probably flat.
Me loved "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory". It didn't get a 100%, but a 90% rating. Very creative. And evil.
Posted by: Michelle on Sat August 6, 2005 at 11:25My Space is not creepy...
My Space is not creepy...
I to say it twice...
Glad you liked it Michelle
last time I checked you hadn't reviewed it yet. Will go read.
[edit] Jammer, bei Vacuity bin ich immer noch als Spammer gelistet. *g* [/edit]
Your space isn't J, but the whole thing in general... and most of the people there, are.
Ooop, ich kümmer mich um Vacuity nicht besonders, um die Blacklist noch weniger, aber ich hab' dich jetzt rausgenommen.
Posted by: Michelle on Sat August 6, 2005 at 20:21Danke Dir *zurueck zum Willy-sabber-comment lassen