Just so Paris Hilton isn't top entry anymore...
I love Monica.
I love Jasper Fforde.
I love Katja and Tobias.
I love my squi's Tommy.
I love my James' Ann-Louise.
I love Vega.
I love the sea.
I love gherkins.
I love Willy Wonka.
Ok I will stop now. My weekend was... mildly productive. The usual (laundry, washing up), some shopping (green velvet shirt @ £2.50 from charity shop, wheee), lots of reading (Jasper Fforde, Paul Auster, magazines) and a tiny bit of creativity (cannot yet be divulged). Oh and sleep. Sleep always good. And some phoning and texting and chatting and lying-on-the-beach. [endofweekendbacktowork]
"a tiny bit of creativity (cannot yet be divulged)"
IIII seem to remember you said something like that when Lo was at your place ages ago. What was that?
Posted by: JarJar on Mon August 15, 2005 at 9:28oh and of course
When Lo was over it was Tom's miniwam. That was then shown later.
This time it's something else.
Beach is evil.
Posted by: The BML on Mon August 15, 2005 at 12:16Aaaaaaaaaah. But that was no fun (though cute); was just for Tom.
Lol ja well was his birthday.
The new Yahoo sucks!!! It only works once a day.
well doesn't for me
(or check if you can close it from the task manager)
Posted by: Clarissa on Mon August 15, 2005 at 20:35Ja i supposed I should. It doesn't just NOT work more than once a day, but I also get an error thingy when I turn the computer off which is...annoying.
I've also discovered that one cannot send offline messages on MSN. Or at least I couldn't find. CAN one send offline messages on MSN?
One can't.
And ah @ error. I got that at some point too, I think that was with the beta version tho.
Posted by: Clarissa on Tue August 16, 2005 at 14:32Ja so have reinstalled and still the same thing.
This time it's something else.
Mini something else?
What, like Willy Wonka? No.
It is kinda small too tho.