Happenings (and present picspam!)
Soo, it’s been quite an eventful week I think. I had lots of thoughts in my head earlier, but now they are gone of course. I’ll see if they come back but let me start with a summary of what’s been happening. More »
*tap tap* Is this thing on?
Soo, it’s been quite an eventful week I think. I had lots of thoughts in my head earlier, but now they are gone of course. I’ll see if they come back but let me start with a summary of what’s been happening. More »
Weekly round up time! This week was mostly taken up by my motorbike training… I got back from Vienna Monday night, went to work Tuesday, was too lazy to go to work Wednesday so just bummed about the house, and then Thurs-Fri-Sat-Sun was biking until about 3pm each day. More »
And now I am writing about it. *lol* Because that is what I do. More »
Leaving for Vienna tomorrow, at the end of which there will be a travelogue, so I figured I’d do a tiny update about the rest of the week now, though there isn’t much to say at all. More »
Sort of already bored of this. Also it’s late. But not giving up yet!!! More »
So this is my first attempt at these posts. Came up with some generic questions, may still change them depending on how it goes. More »
Hello, quickie Paris trip report. I had planned this trip largely to enjoy Paris Plages, when they turn the banks of the Seine into a sort of beach, um, area. This didn’t turn out so great unfortunately. More »
Having this blag is so useful in terms of researching life events I don’t quite remember… and I am painfully aware that it’s becoming less and less so for anything since, roughly, 2009. I must make more of an effort to change that. Maybe instead of doing irregular random updates I should devise a quick questionnaire-type thing I can fill in once a week to keep track of anything important. More »
Ok so I made some kimono shoes for Mon’s baby, except they turned out kinda crap so I made only one of each size. :)) I used these instructions (pdf) from Homespun-threads. As I found them kinda incomplete and misleading at times, I thought I’d write down some additional notes for anyone who might want to try them. More »
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